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638 search results for: First World War


Many things came together to enable students to attend Malcolm Campbell High School in the 1960s

In email correspondence with a couple of people who plan to attend the Malcolm Campbell High School Sixties Reunion in Toronto on October 17, 2015, we’ve occasionally talked about how people ended up living in Montreal during their childhood and adolescence. Occasionally, people have stayed in Montreal all of their lives. I didn’t have the […]


Price for MCHS Sixties Reunion tickets now tentatively set at $125 [final figure: $150] single, $200 [final figure: $250] per couple

Peter Mearns and Jaan Pill met on June 9, 2014 at a Tim Horton on Lake Shore Blvd. West in Long Branch (south Etobicoke) not far from the Fair Grounds Cafe at Twenty Fourth Street and Lake Shore. At the end of this post I’ll share Peter’s story about the arrival of Mr. Edelstein at the […]


Many means are available for study of fair trade coffee

Among the academic lenses available for study of fair trade coffee is ethnographic research. Ethnography is similar to the work of a reporter or documentary maker but within a prescribed academic framework. The level of detail, however, and the amount of immersion into everyday life, appears greater than what a reporter would deal with. Ethnographic […]


Stage magic and Fair Trade coffee

By way of an introduction: 1) Truthiness refers to sense making in the absence of evidence. 2) What does the work of stage magicians tell us about how the mind works? The link to a May 3, 2008 Boston Globe article about this topic can be accessed at the previous sentence. The article notes that […]


Sweden’s Vision Zero campaign, adopted in 1997, seeks to eliminate roadway deaths and serious injuries

A May 13, 2014 New York Times article is entitled: A Safety Plan With Swedish Logic and City Smarts. The opening paragraphs read: STOCKHOLM — The quest to eradicate serious crashes here began with a happy accident. In 1967, looking to conform to the roadway patterns of its European neighbors, the Swedish government converted its […]


Do you recall the Oka crisis?

We know a fair amount is know about human memory – what it is, how it works, and how sometimes it fails us. Among other things as Daniel L. Schacter (2001) notes, memory is subject to blocking, misattribution, bias, persistence, and suggestibility. Two good sources, among others, about what research has revealed about memory are […]