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1058 search results for: land use


Input from Jaan Pill of Preserved Stories regarding Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Guidelines Draft

As a rule, I make it a practice to avoid posting my own input with regard to ongoing public consultations such as the Long Branch Guidelines Draft. Instead, I just send in my comments and then I forget about it. My reasoning is that my own views are neither here nor there, in the wider […]


Story of the week is Trump, Russia and the FBI; rest is a distraction: Feb. 25, 2017 Guardian

A Feb. 25, 2017 Guardian article is entitled: “The story of the week is Trump, Russia and the FBI. The rest is a distraction.” The subhead reads: “The White House reportedly tried to influence an active counter-intelligence investigation. All else, press ban included, is designed to deflect attention.” Updates A Feb. 24, 2017 CBC article […]


Question from Norman Bates regarding Raimbault Creek in Cartierville, Quebec

Updates A May 2017 CBC interactive webpage is entitled: “Montreal is 375 years old, but how old are its buildings?” A May 17, 2017 Montreal Gazette article is entitled: “Montreal’s history did not start 375 years ago.” [End]   At a previous post, The stream that used to run through Cartierville in Montreal was called Raimbault […]


Feb. 17, 2017 Toronto Star: Contested Development – Parts 1, 2 & 3 in series about Ontario Municipal Board “wielding its unelected power”

A Feb. 17, 2017 Toronto Star article (a three-part series) is entitled: “Contested Development: Many question whether the Ontario Municipal Board should be allowed to continue wielding its unelected power over a city crunched for resources.” An excerpt reads: “But the developer, Pemberton Group, appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, the most powerful body of […]


Lots happening at the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre: Here’s a link to Feb. 11, 2017 message from the Centre

Click here to access Feb. 11, 2017 Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre message > The text of the message reads as follows (I have omitted the graphics, which you can find at the link at the top of this page): Find us at 2 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive (WEL-104) It’s Official! On January 26, 2017 the […]


You Can Make Things Happen – Mississauga Culture: Community Meeting Dates: We see here a celebration of community engagement

Click here to access a February 10, 2017 Mississauga Culture message about Community Meetings Dates > You Can Make Things Happen The text of the message, from the link at the top of this page, reads: Have your say! We’ve added more dates to our Future Directions Culture Master Plan public meetings. Grab a friend […]