Cheryl Casino Houston (MCHS ’63) learned of Malcolm Campbell High School reunion by accident
The last day of high school and you’re out the door. You walk out the door and leave it all behind. Your life journey is under way. You don’t see too many of your classmates, from your high school years, as the years go by.
Soon 50 years have passed.
With regard to this experience, which deals with the passage of time and the value of reconnecting with fellow students half a century later, among the Malcolm Campbell High School alumni who’ve contacted the Reunion Committee is Cheryl Casino Houston (’63 – 11D).
“I came across your website by accident,” Cheryl Houston noted in a May 18, 2014 email.
After email correspondence with Howard Hight and Jaan Pill, Cheryl Houston added that she had joined but quit after a year.
She added, in a May 20, 2014 email, that quite a few MCHS students are on the list. Among the people on the list is Tim Hewlings, who she thinks may have been at Parkdale elementary school with her, as was Scott Munro as well. I note from a previous message from Tim Hewlings that he had indeed been at Parkdale: “I lived in the same place on St. Germain all through school,” he wrote, “and I got bounced around to Elmgrove, Parkdale, Laurentide and Morison. I think MCHS had kids from all of those schools.”
Upon viewing the list at, and finding his name listed at the latter site, Cheryl Houston next searched for Tim Hewlings online. “I searched for Tim Hewlings on the Internet,” she notes, “which in turn led me to Jaan Pill’s great website. So it [that is,] was very helpful in the end!”
Excerpt from May 18, 2014 email message
Cheryl Casino Houston wrote:

JUNGLE MORNING - 1st Prize - JAAN PILL - XI-B. Source: ART CONTEST - The Malcolm Campbell High School Highlander, 1962-63, p. 49
I was in the ’63 graduating class (11D) and I still live in Montreal (in Dorval). I am very interested in attending the reunion which is obviously in the early stages of organization. I would be happy to help, however, I am not on Facebook (by choice) and so I don’t know how helpful I can be. My best friends from your class were Walter Rhead, Jenning Dai and Ulrich Laska — we were all from Roxboro. (Jenning tragically passed away after a car hit his bike in 1964.) I believe that Ulrich Laska is in White Rock, BC and Walter Rhead is in Regina, SK. As you likely know, they both studied architecture. I graduated from “Sir George” and spent 2 years in Kenya with CUSO. Jaan — I remember you distinctly, but only because I was completely impressed by your painting in the ’63 annual (I was on the Annual committee). Please let me know if I can help as your plans go forward and advise me how best to stay in touch. By the way, I was in Parkdale elementary school with Scott Munro — he was the “artist” of the class — however, I am quite sure he doesn’t remember me!!
[End of message from Cheryl Casino Houston]
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