Craig Howe of John English Junior Middle School recognized as one of Canada’s Outstanding Principals

That’s Craig Howe in the middle of the bottom photo. Source: @tdsb via a tweet from TDSB Trustee Pamela Gough, Feb. 11, 2017
A Feb. 1, 2017 Toronto District School Board news release is entitled: “Two TDSB Educators Recognized as Canada’s Outstanding Principals.”
Among the recipients is Craig Howe.
A bio at the Learning Partnership website reads:
John English Junior Middle School
Toronto District School Board
Toronto, Ontario
Craig Howe successfully leads John English Junior Middle School, which serves a community with diverse needs. Under his leadership, the school has adopted an inquiry approach to learning and a school culture where teachers are encouraged to use culturally relevant materials to respond to students’ interests and needs. Craig uses technology to ignite learning. He works closely with the school’s community and school council to make available iPads, stop animation cameras, Smart Boards and other tools to actively engage students in 21st century learning. He also encourages professional training for teachers to effectively incorporate the technology to support students’ learning. Creative student programs involving robotics, Ukulele, sports and arts makes learning experiences memorable. The school is also part of Toronto District School Board’s Hockey Academy for Grade 5 students, in which Craig champions an 8-week coaching program. Under Craig’s leadership, John English has become the hub of the community.
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The following message is from a parent at John English Junior Middle School:
Hello Everyone,
A huge THANK YOU to all of you for once again making the Staff Appreciation Breakfast a wonderful success! Thank you for your time, monetary donations, food items, artwork, non food item donations, set up, break down of the room, smiles, emails and the list goes on and on.
All staff were very happy and very appreciative. Mr. Howe spoke during the breakfast thanking all parents who helped with the wonderful breakfast and commented that the staff new to John English were quite in awe by the breakfast. By the end of the day there were only a few items left and those we put in ziploc bags for the staff to take home.
It has been my pleasure getting to know all of you even if just via email! This year a few parents have a children graduating from Grade 8 or moving to another school. To you I wish you the best at your new schools and you will be missed! Also, thank you for your many years helping with this event and so many others.
This afternoon I received an email from Mr. Howe and he wrote the Staff Breakfast “was truly enjoyed by all the teachers and John English staff who expressed to me their deep appreciation for the time and energy that it took on the part of the parents and the children to organize the breakfast. Many teachers commented on the tremendous variety of food that was presented, the wonderful artwork and the messages directed to the teachers. It was a wonderful way to start off the day. The time, energy and support of the many, many parents truly makes John English a wonderful place to teach and learn.”
The staff enjoyed themselves and honestly I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate all your assistance with this event.
THANK YOU from SAC [School Advisory Committee] and myself for all your various contributions for this wonderful event!
I remember years ago, a parent at John English remarked that Craig Howe was a great classroom teacher before he became a principal. I’m really pleased to know that he has been chosen as one of Canada’s Outstanding Principals. This is wonderful news!