Correction regarding a letter which had been published by the Toronto Star, related to Long Branch development topics
The following CORRECTION has been posted by the Toronto Star on Feb. 10, 2018:
A Dec. 27 Letter to the Editor about redevelopment in Long Branch referred incorrectly to a previous letter writer named David Matoc as representing “a small group of builders with redevelopment interests in Long Branch” whose “motivation is to maximize their profit.” In fact, Matoc organized a petition, signed by about 70 people, opposing the adoption of the Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines. He has been asked to speak on behalf of the concerns of some of those residents in regard to the guidelines, their cost and their effect on individual property rights.
A copy of the above-noted letter appeared at the Preserved Stories website; the letter has since been removed from this website.
I am in accord with the facts laid out in the correction posted by the Toronto Star.
I’ve received an anonymous comment, regarding the topics at hand. As a rule, I do not post anonymous comments at this website, but there are exceptions. The comment in question, which makes a contribution to the ongoing discussion, reads:
Try getting to know your neighbours. Many of us are facing steep costs to repair aged and neglected homes and dont want to be in eternal debt nor leave the area as a result of over controling nimbys who think they own the neighbourhood. This war will never end. Sad that people cant accept change. It is inevitable. But by all means lets continue making enemies because people think the aesthetics of a home are more important than the impact their actions have on personal family life…financial strain and mental health. Thank you. Good to know people have their priorities straight.