Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough and Ward 2 Trustee Chris Glover hosting a joint Ward Forum on Tuesday Jan. 29, 2013 at 7:00 pm

Good Morning,

Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough and Ward 2 Trustee Chris Glover will be hosting a joint Ward Forum on Tuesday January 29 at 7 pm. The meeting will be held at Lambton Kingsway JMS (525 Prince Edward Dr.).

We are very pleased that Annie Kidder, Executive Director of People for Education will be the keynote speaker for the meeting.

[Details are available in the most recent issue of the People for Education newsletter. The newsletter was not yet available online at the link in the previous sentence when I posted this blog post.]

Kate Hammer, Education Reporter for The Globe and Mail will add her comments about the situation surrounding Bill 115. Both Annie and Kate will join Ward 2 and Ward 3 parents on a panel for a discussion of Bill 115 and its impact on the future of education.

Child care will be provided for the meeting. Please call 416 393 1972 or email Debbie.Wagdin@tdsb.on.ca to register your child/ren for the babysitting.

Please mark the date in your 2013 calendars. Hope to see you on the 29th.

Many viewpoints are available regarding Bill 115

Here’s a recent Toronto Star column on this topic.

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