Meet TEA’s Waste Campaigner, Emily Alfred

You can access this item here.

Excerpts from the above-noted item include the following texts:

Whether we like it or not, the holidays are a time when we buy and receive a lot of stuff.

Instead of giving items that quickly end up in Toronto’s landfill give your friends and loved ones the gift of TEA! You can now honour this special person by donating to TEA in their name. In return, TEA will email you a special gift tag.

Every holiday tons of wrapping, decorations, and disposable dinnerware pile up in our garbage bags. In Toronto many of these items cannot go into the Blue Box or the Green Bin.

Your donation today will also help TEA connect with community members from across the City to get them more involved in waste issues and ensure that residents’ voices are heard at City Hall.

Toronto’s landfill is filling up fast and the City urgently needs to develop an action plan to divert over 70% of our waste from disposal. Years ahead of their target, our neighbours in Markham already recycle or compost 80% of their waste, but Toronto is lagging behind at only 52%.

We need your help now more than ever! Not only is the City of Toronto set to vote on a new waste budget on Dec. 16th, they are starting public consultations on a Long Term Waste Management Strategy. These efforts could dramatically effect how much of our waste actually gets diverted.

Your holiday donation this year will ensure TEA can afford to have our Waste Campaigner closely monitoring this situation at City Hall. This urgent matter needs our attention! Let’s not waste this opportunity. Please give today and let the group that got you the Green Bin continue to advocate at City Hall for a cleaner environment.

TEA is wishing you all the best over this holiday season.

Meet TEA’s Waste Campaigner, Emily Alfred

Emily has been hard at work this year, advocating for better waste diversion at City Hall and the Ontario Legislature, doing amazing research work, and reaching out at the grassroots level.

Emily wrote TEA’s Resident’s Guide to Waste, which has helped start a community dialogue on Toronto’s waste-free future.

In the last few weeks, TEA has been connecting with residents and our members across Toronto to talk about what’s in our garbage.

With a team of TEA volunteers, Emily has been literally digging through garbage bags to educate residents and find waste diversion solutions for the ‘stuff’ we throw away.

Donate to TEA through our online donation form.

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30 Duncan St
Suite 201
Toronto, Ontario M5V2C3

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