David Godley shares his rating of Current OMB Hearing Officers (with regard to Long Branch)

Ratings of Current OMB Hearing Officers

The following overview is from David Godley of Long Branch:

On the basis of hearings in Long Branch, Toronto

1) Name;  2) Runs a Fair Hearing;  3) Comprehension of Planning;  4) Knowledge of Urban Design

Carter Whitney         Yes               No                   No

Hefferon                     Yes               No                   No

Jackson                       Yes               No                   No

Rossi                           No               No                   No

Schiller                       Yes               Yes                 No

Sills                             No               No                   No

Zuidema                    Yes               No                   No

Comprehension of Planning and Knowledge of Urban Design are essential in making judgments on Official Plan conformity. Lack of skill in these areas is why Long Branch has had 75% of Severance/Variance appeals overturned in favour of the applicant.

Sills comes across as arrogant and biased.

Rossi, while having a certain charm, comes across as “most likely to cause a riot in the hearing room” with his contempt for citizens.

David Godley August 2015

[End of text from David Godley]


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