Entries by Jaan Pill

Stolen minivan smashes into front porch of Etobicoke home: Van was stolen as it was warming-up in driveway – Dec. 17, 2014 CBC article

A Dec. 17, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “Stolen minivan smashes into front porch of Etobicoke home: Van was stolen as it was warming-up in the driveway.” Cars no longer have carburetors and chokes The first moral of the story is: “Don’t leave it idling to warm-up while you go inside.” The second moral: “In general, […]

The Meaning of Human Existence (2014)

I’ve been reading books about the 1950s and 1960s. 1959 Among them is: 1959: The Year that Changed Everything (2009). Chapter 20, “Seeing the Invisible,” concerns the work of the photographer Robert Frank, with a focus on the latter’s The Americans (2008). Frank Kaplan, the author of 1959, has a Ph.D. from MIT in political […]

The nation-state circa 1950 is described as unencumbered by international obligations, co-operation, and constraint

The quotation is: ” Its focus is the nation-state circa 1950, romantically unencumbered by international obligations, co-operation and constraint.” That’s one way to characterize the 1950s. The source is a Dec. 3, 2014 article at openDemocracy.net entitled: “UKIP is the formation of a new political elite – nothing more.” Conceptualizations of the 1950s My purpose in […]

Military history mural at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East contends with gusts of wind and forces of gravity

Update: Ward 1 Mississauga Councillor Jim Tovey has informed us: “We will be moving the Mural to the building facade in the spring.” [End of update]   I enjoy visiting the military history mural at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East in Lakeview in Mississauga next to the starting point for the Hanlan Water Project. The […]

Message from Mimico Lakeshore Network regarding Dec, 19, 2014 “more towers” Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan pre-hearing conference

The following message is from the Mimico Lakeshore Network: The two landowners appealing the Mimico-by-the-Lake Secondary Plan are proposing more towers. Last September, we told you about a 28 storey-tower suggested for the plaza lands located at 2491 Lake Shore Blvd West. You might remember the artistic rendering, see attachment [below] entitled 2491 Lake Shore […]