Entries by Jaan Pill

Nov. 16, 2013 Community Workshop #2 – QEW Improvements from Evans Avenue to Cawthra Road

Dawn McKinnon, Environmental Planner, writes (note RSVP required by Nov. 8, 2013): Hello, Please find attached an invitation to attend Community Workshop #2 for the Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study for improvements to the QEW from Evans Avenue to Cawthra Road: QEW Evans Ave to Cawthra Rd CW 2 Public Invite emailed Oct […]

Cabin Flashback Scene – Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

Students of filmmaking can learn many things on their own, or they can take classes, or they can do both. Hands-on exercises, analysis of scenes, and study of the history of film editing are standard ways of figuring out how films are put together. Cowboys and Aliens (2011) In a course I’m taking at Ryerson University, […]

Nov. 27, 2013 update regarding Inspiration Lakeview

Please note: The Inspiration Lakeview meeting (described below) is on Nov. 27, 2013 and the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Environmental Assessment meeting is on Nov. 20, 2013. The following message is from Inspiration Lakeview: You are invited to Join the Conversation! November 27, 2013 Join us for an update on the status of Inspiration Lakeview. […]

People for Education Conference – Nov. 2, 2013

Message from TDSB Pamela Gough’s office: Good Afternoon, Trustee Pamela Gough has asked me to remind you about this very informative and reasonably priced conference hosted by People for Education. It is taking place Saturday November 2 at the Rotman School of Business, University of Toronto. (See links below for information and registration.) Trustee Gough […]

Construction notice – Lake Shore Blvd. West Streetcar line platform reconstruction

I wish to thank Councillor Mark Grimes’ office for sharing the following notice with us: Construction Notice #1 Lake Shore Streetcar Line Platform Reconstruction Start Date: October 13, 2013* End Date: December 8, 2013* *Timelines are subject to change, content is accurate at time of printing Work Description TTC will be constructing (and modifying) streetcar […]