Six Points Interchange Construction Update – Nov. 9, 2017 message from City of Toronto
/0 Comments/in Newsletter/by Jaan PillClick here to access a Six Points Interchange Construction Update > Click here for previous posts about Six Points >
It’s National Senior Safety Week
/0 Comments/in Newsletter/by Jaan PillClick here for a Canada Safety Council overview about Senior Safety >
Ken Kingsbury is doing research on Alfred Ramcharan, who was a teacher at Malcolm Campbell High School
/44 Comments/in MCHS Stories, Newsletter/by Jaan PillByung-Chul Han is author of In the Swarm: Digital Prospects (2017) among other recent books
/0 Comments/in Language usage, Newsletter/by Jaan PillI have been reading In the Swarm: Digital Prospects (2017) in recent weeks. Today I need to return it to the Toronto Public Library. I look forward to placing a hold on again in future, so that I can read it further. The author is Byung-Chul Han; I look forward to reading other books by […]
Hansard excerpt (9): Town of Oakville presentation at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThis post features an excerpt from the Hansard transcript of the Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing at Queen’s Park. My notes of the above-noted hearing are featured at a previous post entitled: Oakville mayor, Mississauga deputy city solicitor, and former Toronto chief planner speak out at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Review hearing In the text […]
Hansard excerpt (8): Ontario Society of Professional Engineers presentation at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThis post features an excerpt from the Hansard transcript of the Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing at Queen’s Park. My notes of the above-noted hearing are featured at a previous post entitled: Oakville mayor, Mississauga deputy city solicitor, and former Toronto chief planner speak out at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Review hearing In the text […]
Hansard excerpt (7): Presentation by Jennifer Keesmaat at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThis post features an excerpt from the Hansard transcript of the Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing at Queen’s Park. My notes of the above-noted hearing are featured at a previous post entitled: Oakville mayor, Mississauga deputy city solicitor, and former Toronto chief planner speak out at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Review hearing In the text […]
Hansard excerpt (6): Conservation Ontario presentation at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThis post features an excerpt from the Hansard transcript of the Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing at Queen’s Park. My notes of the above-noted hearing are featured at a previous post entitled: Oakville mayor, Mississauga deputy city solicitor, and former Toronto chief planner speak out at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Review hearing In the text […]
Hansard excerpt (5): Association of Municipalities of Ontario presentation at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing
/0 Comments/in Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThis post features an excerpt from the Hansard transcript of the Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Reform hearing at Queen’s Park. My notes of the above-noted hearing are featured at a previous post entitled: Oakville mayor, Mississauga deputy city solicitor, and former Toronto chief planner speak out at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Review hearing In the text […]