Germany’s Hidden Crisis (2016)

Germany’s Hidden Crisis (2016) Previous posts underline that power speaks its own language; such a language is not necessarily congruent with everyday language. In the language that power speaks, at times big is small, small is big, and inside is outside – in short, reality – including history – is what power says it is. […]

Power speaks its own language: Contemporary social media propaganda focuses on denigration of standard perceptions of reality

Click here for previous posts about propaganda > A previous post is entitled: Power speaks its own language: Can historiography (generally, the writing of history featuring standard language usage) teach us anything of value with regard to extreme violence? As a follow-up to the post, I refer to a Dec. 18, 2018 New Yorker article […]

Power speaks its own language: Can historiography (generally, the writing of history featuring standard language usage) teach us anything of value with regard to extreme violence?

Aldous Huxley concludes The Devils of Loudun (1952) with bibliography of previous accounts of “diabolic drama” at which Loudun pastor was burned at stake

In the last few pages of The Devils of Loudun (1952), Aldous Huxley shares thoughts regarding optimal ways to work toward advancement of human consciousness, within the context of spiritual pursuits. He also lists the sources he used in writing his overview of the “diabolic drama,” as Huxley terms it, in which a pastor of […]

Holocaust history and postwar testimony are explored in Christopher Browning’s 2003 study of Adolf Eichmann’s self-portrayal in Jerusalem

The current post and subsequent ones (if I get around to them) are concerned with three books about the Second World War: (1) Collected Memories: Holocaust History and Postwar Testimony (2003) (2) Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland (2017) (3) The Third Reich in History and Memory (2015) History of […]

Government of Canada: Talc – Potential Risk of Lung Effects and Ovarian Cancer

Government of Canada website has a Dec. 5, 2018 posting, related to recalls and safety alerts, entitled: Talc – Potential Risk of Lung Effects and Ovarian Cancer Just so you know: Avoid inhaling loose talc powders; Avoid female genital exposure to products containing talc; Keep baby powder away from a child’s face to avoid inhalation; […]

Great review of Supernatural Environments in Shakespeare’s England: Spaces of Demonism, Divinity, and Drama (2014)

Previous posts related to Stratford, and other topics related to the current post, include: Power of a vision: Tom Patterson, who launched the Stratford Festival, and Jim Tovey, who launched Inspiration Lakeview, each visualized what could be Background reading helps a person better understand the larger story, within which local history everywhere is embedded To […]

Shakespeare gets a new home town – May 1, 1953 article about Stratford from Macleans archive

Many great opportunities to compare notes & have a good time, at events bringing together young people who stutter from across Europe

A previous post is entitled: My Story as a Stutterer: Handout from talk at Nordic Seminar, Tallinn, Sept. 1, 2018 At the current post, I’d like to share a few notes about the international scene as it relates to the lives and experiences of people who stutter. In years past, pretty well all of my […]

How to respond, when a neighbour builds a fence upon a registered right of way?