Humber Bay Parks – Architectural Project Public Meeting Mon., Oct. 30, 2017 Mimico Library

Following message is from CCFEW (an organization that would hugely benefit from having a shorter and catchier name): Humber Bay Parks – Architectural Project Public Meeting Monday, October 30 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. & 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Mimico Centennial Public Library 47 Station Road, Lower Floor Auditorium This meeting on Monday is to present […]

Hansard transcript of Oct. 17, 2017 hearing at Queen’s Park regarding OMB Reform is now available

The Hansard transcript of the Bill 139 (OMB Reform) hearing at Queen’s Park on Oct. 17, 2017 hearing is now available. A transcript of the hearing on the same legislative topic, held the previous day on Oct. 16, is also available. By way of introducing the contents of the Oct. 17 hearing, which I attended in person, I’ve […]

Oct. 26, 2017 issue of Built Heritage News is now available

Click here to access the Oct. 26, 2017 edition of Built Heritage News >  

Term limits would be tremendously helpful for Public School Boards and Municipal Councils

I’m a strong believer in leadership succession. I’m a firm believer in growth and renewal, in any line of work, in any endeavour that one can think of. I’ve been thinking about that when reading an Oct. 23, 2017 Toronto Star article, entitled: “Why you won’t see my name on the ballot one year from now: […]

I strongly support the striking Ontario college teachers; short-term faculty hiring is a bad-news trend

An Oct. 22, 2017 CBC article is entitled: “Ontario college strike spotlights ‘new norm’ of precarious labour in academia: Hiring short-term contract faculty in colleges and universities is a growing and worrisome trend, critics say.” A related bad-news trend, concerning which I’ve heard from several college and university teachers over the years, is the drive […]

Of stories & frames: Oct. 18, 2017 New York Times article highlights research by Amy Cuddy about body language & related topics

An Oct. 18, 2017 New York Times Magazine article is entitled: “When the RevolutionCame for Amy Cuddy: As a young social psychologist, she played by the rules and won big: an influential study, a viral TED talk, a prestigious job at Harvard. Then, suddenly, the rules changed.” I found the article of interest, as I’ve had […]

Town of Port Credit Association (TOPCA) Town Hall Mtg & AGM is: Thurs., Nov. 9, 2017 at 7:00 pm at Clarke Hall

Town of Port Credit‏ @TOPCA_Executive *  TOPCA Town Hall Mtg & AGM is: Thurs Nov 9 @ 7pm at Clarke Hall Theme: Lakeshore Corridor – Get Moving #PortCredit * TOPCA = Town of Port Credit Credit Association We owe thanks to Dorothy Tomiuk @Dorothy_Tomiuk for letting us know via Twitter. Commentary Much of what I learn about meetings in […]

Hearings on Bill 139 (OMB Reform) took place on Oct. 16 & 17; Oct. 18 is comments deadline

Update In a previous version of this post, I noted the deadline for comments was Oct. 24 at 6:00 pm. That has changed. The deadline is now Oct. 18, 2017 at 5:00 pm. As well, the Oct. 23 and 24, 2017 hearings have been cancelled. [End]   I have recently learned that hearings on Bill […]

Comments from Colleen O’Marra regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website

The photo on the right of a small sample of artifacts from the 1984 dig at the Colonel Samuel Smith homestead site at 85 Forty First Street in Long Branch is from a blog post dated June 23, 2012. A previous post is entitled: Heads-up regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website At that […]

Lakeview Ratepayers Association AGM: Impressive meeting, inspiring speakers including Mayor Crombie & Councillor Tovey

I had the good fortune to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Lakeview Ratepayers Association, which took place on Oct. 11, 2017 at the Mississauga Seniors Centre. I learned about the meeting some time back, when I was driving south on Cawthra Road by the Mississauga Seniors Center and noticed a handy roadside sign, […]