Language usage, as I am using the term (others will have different ways of using it), is concerned with how we use language for specified purposes. My study of language usage includes an interest in how power at times distorts language, because it has the power to do so. Language usage also concerns itself with the distinction between rhetoric and reality. As well, the category is concerned with the formal, systematic study of rhetoric, and with humanity’s attempts to define reality.

In 1968, the student newspaper at Simon Fraser University featured widely read news reports about public meetings at “the Mall”; here is one such report

Dramatic changes along Exmoor Drive by the GO Station bring to mind the previous history of Long Branch

Stuttering, as viewed from the vantage point of a person who stutters who usually functions as a normally fluent speaker

Communication, Relevance, and Power in Montaigne’s Essais: Highly relevant PhD thesis by Marina Webster Perkins

Mindfulness and Its Discontents (2019): The argument regarding McMindfulness does not impress me much; nonetheless, an interesting read

What site visitors have taught me about the Preserved Stories website

What you thought about the Boer War of 1899-1902 depended largely on where you were living, at the time

CBC story underlines that the Canadian intelligence community experienced a very close call; it’s a relief a potentially devastating release of highly classified information was averted by the RCMP