Language usage, as I am using the term (others will have different ways of using it), is concerned with how we use language for specified purposes. My study of language usage includes an interest in how power at times distorts language, because it has the power to do so. Language usage also concerns itself with the distinction between rhetoric and reality. As well, the category is concerned with the formal, systematic study of rhetoric, and with humanity’s attempts to define reality.

An investigative report on the American back pain industry, Crooked (2017) underlines limitations of Descartes’ theory of a mind-body split

James C. Scott (1972) argues that corruption, like violence, must be understood as a regular, repetitive, integral part of the operation of most political systems

Can the term neoliberalism be turned into a useful analytic tool? Answer: Yes, it can

The blurb for Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (1998) closely matches the contents of the book

Whereas cubist art varies from legible to illegible, the dominant model of critical interpretation of cubism has remained at all times legible

Memories of walking along Davisville Ave. in Toronto in 1975

Land-use decision making offers a unique avenue for historical analysis – in Stratford, as elsewhere

Stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves, help determine the course of our lives; and we can change the stories for the better

Journalists from the New York Times will visit the Stratford Festival Forum to lead conversations about who Othello is today – Stratford Festival sponsored article in Toronto Star

Gentrification along the Lachine Canal is leaving the area’s original working-class residents dispossessed and forgotten – March 26, 2019 Montreal Gazette article (Steven High)