OMB Town Hall Meetings – Nov. 9 (3850 Lake Shore Blvd. W.) and Nov. 16 (110 Jutland Road)


3 tweets (Nov. 4, 2016) from CBC reporter John Lancaster regarding City of Toronto committees of adjustment

3 tweets (Nov. 4, 2016) from CBC reporter John Lancaster regarding committees of adjustment ‏@jlancasterCBC 1) Seems like a lot of people in Toronto are complaining about development decisions made by committees of adjustment. 2) Worth noting it’s elected officials who select members of the COAs. In other words if COAs aren’t representing the will […]

Dorothy, age 97, stars in 4-minute opposition video about development trends at the City of Toronto. Plus: links to two, related City TV News Reports

Drawing inspiration from our neighbour Dorothy, age 97, who lives across the street from us in Toronto, I am looking forward to helping to organize a Malcolm Campbell High School Sixties reunion when the Sixties grads are in their 90s.     Nov. 3, 2016 City TV News Report We are pleased to say that […]

Nov. 4, 2016 update from City TV regarding Preservation or Progress in City of Toronto development

Committee of Adjustment and Toronto Local Appeal Body (and similar appeal boards elsewhere)

Highly successful In Situ event at Small Arms Building in Mississauga, Oct. 27 to 29, 2016: Great turnout, great sense of organization

I am delighted that I had the opportunity, on the evening of Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016, to attend an In Situ event at the Small Arms Building in Mississauga. We were impressed with the turnout, the enthusiasm, and the great sense of organization. The event appealed to groups of all ages. It was clear that every detail […]

Mimico groups pushing back against ‘westward wave’ of condo development: Oct. 25, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian. Plus: Please help us regarding 14 Villa!

An Oct. 25, 2016 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Mimico groups pushing back against ‘westward wave’ of condo development: OMB decision ‘rather indecisive’, says Mimico Lakeshore Community Network co-chair.” You can access the article at the link in the previous sentence. Many things are happening this weekend and next week. In Situ event is now on […]

Planning Staff recommend that 14 Villa Road consent and minor variance applications be refused

The Oct. 27, 2017 Planning Staff report regarding 14 Villa Road recommends the the consent and minor variance applications be refused. You can access the report at the City of Toronto website or you can access it here: 2016-10-27-planners-report-refusal-recommended If you have not sent in or dropped off a letter of objection, in connection with […]

Two residents of Long Branch, each named Susan, have shared messages regarding recent developments in Long Branch: “SOMETHING must be done.”

Susan, a resident of Long Branch, has shared with us a message regarding a recent overview by David Godley regarding Planning decisions at the City of Toronto, as they relate to Lot Splitting in Long Branch. I am pleased to share Susan’s comments, as they are succinct and reflect the strong feelings that have begin […]

Mike Smith of GDSS has prepared 3D renderings & shadow studies for Nov. 3, 2016 hearing regarding 14 Villa Road

We are working with South Etobicoke resident Mike Smith to prepare 3D renderings and shadow studies related to the 14 Villa Road Application. Mike is preparing 3D renderings for the Villa Road residents who will be speaking at or after 5:00 pm at the Nov. 3, 2016 Committee of Adjustment meeting at the Etobicoke Civic Centre. […]