The 2011 Parkview School story remains a source of inspiration and celebration for local residents in South Etobicoke

The Parkview School story remains a source of inspiration and celebration for local residents in South Etobicoke. The school in question, as we learned in October 2010, was being sold by the Toronto District School Board as the property was surplus to its needs. In the end, it was sold to the French public school […]

Conclusion from the Jan. 15, 2015 Review of the Toronto District School Board worth a close read

I have discussed the Jan. 15, 2015 Review of the Toronto District School Board in previous posts. You can access the review here: Review of the Toronto District School Board Previous posts include: “Trustees mistrusted within schools”: TDSB governance review – Jan. 15, 2015 CBC article Message from Trustee Pamela Gough regarding Jan. 15, 2015 […]

David Godley on overdevelopment in Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey)

I am pleased to share with you the following message from David Godley: Long Branch in 2014 Some gains and some losses in the fight to control overdevelopment but there is light on the horizon   1. Community Meeting Conserving Long Branch character is complex and difficult to follow. I was delighted to receive an […]

Police Use of Force: A Global Perspective (2010) – Policing has a relationship to military history

Military history mural at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East contends with gusts of wind and forces of gravity

Update: Ward 1 Mississauga Councillor Jim Tovey has informed us: “We will be moving the Mural to the building facade in the spring.” [End of update]   I enjoy visiting the military history mural at Dixie Road and Lakeshore Road East in Lakeview in Mississauga next to the starting point for the Hanlan Water Project. The […]

Dec. 6, 2014 Lakeshore Santa Claus Parade began with marshalling at Birmingham St. & Dwight Ave. before 9:00 am

I’ve attended many Lakeshore Santa Claus parades over the past couple of decades and retain vivid and enjoyable memories from each of them. Every year we learn and experience something new and different. I’ve reported on the 2012 and 2013 parades in previous posts: Enjoyed Dec. 1, 2012 Santa Claus Parade in Long Branch (in […]

Oct. 11, 2014 Toronto Star “More voices on Oct. 27 election” includes perceptive letter from David Godley of Long Branch

The article can be accessed here. In his letter (see link above), David Godley writes: I note that author Jordan Whelan is a marketing person who can be selective of facts. John Tory’s priority is the Scarborough Subway which is not supported by experts involved directly in transportation planning. It also needs each household to […]

View of the Lakeshore from Kipling to Etobicoke Creek

John Easton has forwarded a great link, for which we owe many thanks, which provides a view of the Lakeshore from Kipling to Etobicoke Creek:  

Join David Juliusson for Culture Days bike ride: From Sept. 26 to Sept. 28, 2014, Culture Days will be held in South Etobicoke.

David Juliusson recently circulated a text about an upcoming event, which I am pleased to share with you: From September 26 till 28th, Culture Days will be held in South Etobicoke. More than 80 events are planned to celebrate the unique former communities of Long Branch, New Toronto and Mimico. One event will be a […]

Fort York Visitor Centre exhibit includes photos of the Long Branch Aerodrome and aerial shots of Long Branch

I was very pleased to recently receive emails from David Juliusson and Michael Harrison in connection with John Boyd’s album of First World War photographs. You can access the album at the Toronto Archives at this link. When you click on the photos they don’t enlarge very well but you do get a general idea […]