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511 search results for: Heritage Toronto


What does ‘citizen involvement’ mean in the context of Mimico 2020? (December 7, 2011 meeting highlights)

I found the Mimico 2020 meeting on Dec, 7, 2011 most interesting. We have an audio file of the meeting and look forward to posting reports, once a transcript is completed, about who said what. Here’s an overview of the meeting by Tamara Shephard of The Etobicoke Guardian. The article notes that Ruth Grier, a decades-long community […]


Cultural Cleansing in Iraq (2010)

I came across Cultural cleansing in Iraq (2010) in the course of a search for books dealing with archaeology at the Toronto Public Library. As a result of my active involvement in efforts by area residents to ensure that the Colonel Samuel Smith homestead site remains in public hands, I’ve developed a strong interest in […]


Mimico 20/20

This evening, Dec. 7, 2010, many people will be attending a meeting connected with the Mimico 20/20 Revitalization Study. The term ‘revitalization’ is a source of endless fascination for me. The interesting question will be: What does this omnibus (serving several purposes at once) term mean in the contxt of the Mimico 20/20 process? The […]


Munden Park Public School

Jaan taught at the Peel District School Board’s Munden Park Public School from 1995 to 2006. This was a great school to work at. Mike James, who was Principal at Munden Park for the last several years when Jaan taught there, recently took Jaan on a history tour of Long Branch and New Toronto. Mike […]