Bio Information Sheet for MCHS ’60s students

We owe thanks to Cheryl Houston for sharing the following suggested outline or starting point for your biography.

We invite MCHS sixties alumni to please fill out this information and send your bio to Jaan Pill at

At first we suggested aiming for 200 words, but having learned from experience, we can say that whatever reasonable length of text works for you is fine with us.

Your contact information won’t be posted, unless you request that it be posted. As a rule, if people want contact information, for people who’ve posted biographies, they can contact us and we’ll pass the request along.

The main thing in writing a bio is to just go ahead and write something. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

Malcolm Campbell High School Reunion – Biography outline




Are you planning to attend the MCHS 60s Reunion on October 17, 2015?


Year you graduated from MCHS:_______   Class:__________

Homeroom teacher:______________


What activities were you involved in at MCHS?


Was there someone or something at MCHS that you remember in particular?


What did you do after graduating?

Did you start a job? If so, where?

Did you continue your education? If so, where and what did you achieve?


What kind of work did you eventually get into? Are you still doing it?


Did you move to another province or country? If so, why, when, and where?


Did you travel abroad? If so, where?


Do you have a partner or significant other? Do you have any kids?


Are you still working?  If so, where and in what capacity?


Are you retired? If so, what kinds of activities are you involved in?


Where are you living now?


In the years since graduating, do you have a particularly special memory that you’d like to share?


Would you like your former classmates to contact you? If yes, how?


[Please let us know if it’s okay to include your email address as part of the biography that is posted online. Some people like to have their emails listed, some don’t.]





Any additional comments?

[End of text from Cheryl Houston]


1) Please let us know if it’s okay if we include your sixties yearbook photo, if we have the album available. If we don’t have the yearbook, it would be great if you cans end us a jpeg of your yearbook photo, if you have it available for scanning.

2) Please include a relatively recent photo, if you wish.

3) If you have any photos of any kind from the sixties that you wish to share, please send such photos also, as jpeg files.

4) If you have any 8mm, Super 8, 16mm or any other format home movies, or school footage, or audio recordings, that might include good material for posting, please let us know.

5) We’ve had a discussion, among the Reunion Committee, about whether we should include email addresses with biographies, for MCHS graduates who would give permission for having their email addresses on the Preserved Stories website.

6) If you have additional suggestions about the bio, please let us know.


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