Fords vow to help residents in fight against Humbertown redevelopment – May 15, 2013 Globe and Mail

Update: A May 16, 2013 Toronto Star article by Daniel Dale reports that the Humberown developer is launching an appeal to the Ontarion Municipal Board. [Click on link in previous sentence to access the article regarding the ongoing Humbertown story.]

A May 15, 2013 article in The Grid also highlights a range of views on the Humbertown story.

Below is headline and opening sentences of a May 15, 2013 Globe and Mail article [click on link in this sentence to access the article by Justin Fauteaux]:

Fords vow to help residents in fight against Humbertown redevelopment

Councillor Doug Ford summed up the feelings of the majority of those gathered in Etobicoke Tuesday to debate the redevelopment of a local mall: “We’re all in consensus, we’re going to kill this thing.”

After residents spent over six hours lambasting proposed residential additions to the Humbertown Shopping centre in Etobicoke’s Humber Valley Village, the Etobicoke Community Council unanimously voted against supporting the plan when it comes before Toronto City Council next month.

[Click here to access the article.]

A range of reports and views are available regarding Humbertown and related topics, including the distribution of car magnets

The Humbertown redevelopment is also featured in a May 15, 2013 Etobicoke Guardian article by Cynthia Reason entitled: “Dozens of residents denounce planned changes to Humbertown plaza, councillors vote against proposal.”

By way of background regarding Toronto municipal politics, a May 15, 2013 column by Edward Keenan in The Grid is of interest as is a May 16, 2013 article related to the distribution of car magnets.

Meantime, Marcus Gee in the May 16, 2013 Globe and Mail offers a perspective in support of the current Humbertown proposal in a column entitled: “New Humbertown mall would be a rebirth.”

The online subhead reads: “Far from ruining the livable, leafy area, the planned redevelopment would bring a modern sensibility to a dated site.”


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