The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and developers Solmar and Two Sisters Resorts are set to face off in court on Valentine’s Day: Feb. 13, 2019 Niagara Now article
A Feb. 13, 2019 Niagara Now article is entitled: “A Valentine’s Day affair.”
The opening paragraphs read:
The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and developers Solmar and Two Sisters Resorts are set to face off in court on Valentine’s Day.
Two Sisters Resorts Corp. and Solmar (Niagara 2) Inc. are trying to quash a proposed heritage designation of four Randwood Estate properties under the Ontario Heritage Act.
There’s no love lost among residents, the town and the developers as plans for the landmark Randwood Estate have been a focal point of local controversy for months.
The court application filed by Solmar and Two Sisters states the heritage act “prohibits the alteration or demolition of buildings” and “prohibits the alteration of property if the alteration is likely to affect the property’s ‘heritage attributes.’ ”
Solmar and Two Sisters say “the town’s actions must be undone” and accuse the town of acting “outside the fundamental principles of administrative law.”
[End of excerpt]
Previous posts
Previous posts about Niagara-on-the-Lake include:
Rampant tree cutting: Protesters gather outside Randwood Estate in Niagara-on-the-Lake
Along the same lines: I’m following a number of Ontario Divisional Court cases involving decisions by the Toronto Local Appeal Body and Ontario Municipal Board, where developers have gone to court seeking to overturn decisions in southern Etobicoke that have gone in favour of residents. The judges, in a manner of speaking, in these and similar cases become authoritative news reporters and opinion writers, offering their legal interpretations on matters of public interest.
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