Entries by Jaan Pill

Schedule of Lost River Walks in Toronto

You can find the schedule here. Below is information from the Lost River web page that you can access at the link in the previous sentence. You can access the live links by going to the above-noted web page, which is part of the Toronto Green Community website. Sunday, May 19, 2013, 2 pm – Daylighting […]

A PDF version of May 22, 2013 presentation by Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) at the New Toronto Library can be accessed here

I am pleased to share the following message from Heather Marshall of TEA (Toronto Environmental Alliance): Hello all! Thank you very much for attending Toronto Environmental Alliance’s Meet & Greet at the New Toronto library last night! It was a packed room full of engaging and concerned local residents. From TEA’s perspective, we couldn’t have […]

Jennifer Keesmaat speaks at Wed., May 29, 2013 Toronto Heritage Board meeting: How Heritage fits with the vision for planning and development

Message from David Juliusson I’m pleased to share with you the following message from David Juliusson about an upcoming presentation (Committee Room 1, City Hall) by Jennifer Keesmaat related to heritage preservation: Hi Jaan I thought you might find Item 1 interesting. It is a presentation by Jennifer Keesmaat the new Chief Planner and Exec Director […]

Wesley Mimico United Church development application process – information from MRA website

Information from MRA website related to Wesley Mimico United Church redevelopment process I’m pleased to share with you the following text from the Mimico Residents Association website: The MRA recently sent several questions regarding the rezoning and development application process to Matthew Premru in Toronto City Planning. We would like to share these with residents, […]

South Etobicoke Meet & Greet – May 22, 2013, 6:30 pm – Learn about Toxics in Toronto – New Toronto Library

I’m pleased to share with you important information from DeTOx Toronto This is a very relevant discussion Under Toronto’s new ChemTrac program it is possible to find out where in your community there may be small industries emitting toxic chemicals. Toronto is the only municipality in Canada where this reporting occurs. A Meet & Greet […]