Entries by Jaan Pill

In a matter of days, a lidar device mounted on a Cessna can discover archaeological sites that would otherwise require years of research to locate

Updates An August 16, 2013 Globe and Mail article describes the discovery of an ancient city in Cambodia. A Jan. 3, 2014 National Geographic article is entitled: “‘Lost’ New England Revealed by High-Tech Archaeology.” The article notes: “New England’s woody hills and dales hide a secret—they weren’t always forested. Instead, many were once covered with […]

“Finish what you start”

It’s taken me some years – decades, or more precisely over half a century – to learn to finish every project that I start. I’ve become better at this task with the passage of the years and as a retired teacher I have the opportunity to finish many unfinished projects. I now try to work […]

oldtorontomaps.blogspot.ca is a great maps resource

I’m pleased to share with you the following information about a map resource: An Etobicoke Guardian article, “Victorian-era Toronto maps now available online”, appears in the May 9th 2013 issue, and as an online article. [Click on link in previous sentence to access the article.] The article refers to the following link: www.oldtorontomaps.blogspot.ca This is […]

“The City and its People: Civic Engagement Strategies for Residents” – David Switzer reports on lecture he attended

A PDF outline of Brenna Keatinge’s talk can be found here: The City and its People: Civic Engagement Strategies for Residents I am pleased to share the following report from David Switzer of Long Branch: On April 18th, 2013 I attended a lecture at the Munk Centre Entitled “The City and Its People: Civic Engagement […]