Entries by Jaan Pill

Toronto Park People launches campaign for activated parks in every corner of Toronto

Recent newsletter from Parks for People can be accessed here. [Click on link in previous sentence to access the newsletter] Following text is a highlight from the above-noted newsletter: TOP STORY: Announcing Parks44 Toronto Park People is proud to launch our campaign for activated parks in every corner of Toronto. Parks44 aims to bring better parks to all […]

Tree canopy coverage: Long Branch is at 26.5%, New Toronto is at 8.7%, Mimico is at 13.3%, Rosedale-Moore Park is at 61.8%

I’m pleased to share the following information, which I learned of on the basic of email correspondence between Carol Walker Gayle of the City of Toronto and a Long Branch resident: In 2005 the City decided to increase its tree canopy from 17/20% to 30 to 40%. It is now at 20%. In Rosedale-Moore Park it […]

Christopher Hume April 26, 2013 Urban Issues article in favour of respect for and adaptation of a shared architectural heritage

I’m pleased to share the following article: Please note: The original article includes links which, to save time in the posting of the text, I have omitted. Please refer to the original article if you wish to see the links. Geoff Kettel has shared the article with a number of people; David Juliusson has forwarded […]