Entries by Jaan Pill

The preferred use of a heritage place of worship is its original one, according to A Guide for Conserving Heritage Places of Worship in Ontario Communities

Effectively Conserving and Managing Heritage Places of Worship The following text is from p. 24 of Heritage Places of Worship – A Guide to Conserving Heritage Places of Worship in Ontario Communities. A related website of interest is Ontario Heritage Trust – Ontario’s Places of Worship. The introductory text (p. 24) in the section of […]

Historically significant places of worship are usually closely linked with their faith communities, according to the Ontario Heritage Act

This post concerns the relationship between places of worship and the faith communities that are associated with them. According to an Ontario Heritage Toolkit document, “place of worship” is an inclusive term that encompasses: churches mosques synagogues temples chapels such as within convents or seminaries shrines, meeting houses, or other places of assembly for religious […]

Concordia University’s new student residence a former convent – March 29, 2013 Globe and Mail

Stories related to what to do with historic church buildings appear frequently, given a variety of converging factors, as the Wesley Mimico redevelopment story illustrates. For your interest, the following headline and opening paragraphs are from a March 29, 2013 Globe and Mail article about the adaptive-reuse of a convent in Montreal: Concordia University’s new […]

The Henderson Motorcycle Marque – Comment from C. O’Marra about c. 1927 photo at Etobicoke Creek

I’ve recently mentioned that Jim Carr had Googled the logo in the photo and had found Henderson Brothers. I’ve placed half a dozen books on motorcycle history on hold at the Toronto Public Library and look forward to reading more about Henderson Brothers. I’m very pleased, in the meanwhile, to share with you the following […]

200th Anniversary of the Battle of York – Invitation

David Juliusson has forwarded this message – about a historic anniversary: You are cordially invited to  commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of York Saturday, April 27, 2013 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Service of Remembrance with participation of the Canadian Armed Forces 3 to 4 p.m. Dedication of Plaque honouring the Role of First Nations […]

Update – 32 Ninth Street

Update: The developer’s proposal has been accepted by the Committee of Adjustment. Joanne Macrae, one of the neighbours, has commented: “Thanks to Adrian, Joanne, Susy, and Andre who spoke to the Committee, and Sheila, Garry, and Jaan, who were there to provide support. We gave it our best shot but the Committee approved the builder’s […]