Entries by Jaan Pill

200th Anniversary of the Battle of York – Invitation

David Juliusson has forwarded this message – about a historic anniversary: You are cordially invited to  commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of York Saturday, April 27, 2013 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Service of Remembrance with participation of the Canadian Armed Forces 3 to 4 p.m. Dedication of Plaque honouring the Role of First Nations […]

Update – 32 Ninth Street

Update: The developer’s proposal has been accepted by the Committee of Adjustment. Joanne Macrae, one of the neighbours, has commented: “Thanks to Adrian, Joanne, Susy, and Andre who spoke to the Committee, and Sheila, Garry, and Jaan, who were there to provide support. We gave it our best shot but the Committee approved the builder’s […]

Ontario’s heritage places of worship may be characterized as living cultural heritage resources

This blog post concerns Heritage Places of Worship: A Guide to Conserving Heritage Places of Worship in Ontario Communities. As I understand, this is an Ontario Heritage Tool kit document. You can access the PDF file of the guide by clicking here. Alternatively you can access the file by clicking on the following link: Heritage_Tool_Kit_Places_of_Worship The […]

News release: Province helping to protect the Great Lakes

Laurel Broten, M.P.P. Etobicoke – Lakeshore News Release Communiqué For Immediate Release March 26, 2013 Province Helping You To Protect the Great Lakes New Ontario Government Supports Local Action Etobicoke – The new Ontario government is working with communities in Etobicoke-Lakeshore to help protect and enhance the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund provides grants […]

Ormsby / Franceschini Estate – Returning to Etobicoke York Community Council – April 9, 2013

Please note the Community Council meeting is April 9 not April 6 as previously indicated. The following March 26, 2013 message is from Michael Harrison: Good Morning: I am pleased to let you know that the city staff report to declare the city’s intent to designate the Ormsby/Franceschini (Mimico Estates) estate under the Ontario Heritage […]