Entries by Jaan Pill

Colleen O’Marra adds to information related to the 1917 “Y” Squadron Long Branch photo

Colleen M. O’Marra has shared the following comments, regarding the “Y” Squadron photo sent by Bob Lansdale, which I read with interest. She’s given me permission to post her comments: Absolutely wonderful photo of the Long Branch 1917 flying squad. Perhaps Lester Pearson (P.M. and Nobel Prize winner) is in this picture. He certainly may have trained […]

Scientists propose a new architecture for sustainable development – March 21, 2013 New York Times

A March 21, 2013 New York Times article addresses how sustainable development can best be defined. The text for the headline and opening paragraph reads as follows: Scientists Propose a New Architecture for Sustainable Development By ANDREW C. REVKIN   As a United Nations working group negotiates a set of “sustainable development goals,” 10 scientists and […]

Variance request regarding 32 Ninth Street, New Toronto – Committee of Adjustment meeting is on March 28, 2013, 1:00 pm

To view the series of blog posts related to 32 Ninth Street, click on the Construction category at this website. Adrian deRooy – Derooy@pathcom.com – (416-201-0518) of Ninth Street, New Toronto and Joanne Macrae – jmacrae@eol.ca – (416 251 1700) also of Ninth Street have shared with me information about a plan to sever an existing lot at […]