Understanding Early Civilizations: A Comparative Study (Trigger 2003)

In a previous blog post, I’ve noted that the final chapter of Climate Wars (2012) refers (pp. 182-83) to a discussion in Tristes Tropiques in which Claude Lévi-Strauss describes the institutions, morals, and customs that he’s spent a lifetime studying as “the transient efflores­cence of a creation in relation to which they have no meaning, […]

Building Stories – Year 1 Successes. Heritage Resources Centre

Following text is from the Heritage Resources Centre: On April 30, 2012 a new website and mobile application launched that enables Canadians to take a direct role in identifying important community heritage assets. Building Stories (www.buildingstories.co) is an incredible new on-line resource making thousands of original documents, photos and historical records available online from a wide variety […]

Heritage Conservation Districts – More Stories of Success. Heritage Resources Centre

News Release Heritage Conservation Districts – More Stories of Success Toronto, January 10, 2013 – The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) has completed the second phase of a study on Heritage Conservation Districts across Ontario, and once again determined that they do indeed work. Building on the findings of Heritage Districts Work! Phase 1, which examined the […]

From William Morris: Building conservation and the Arts and Crafts cult of authenticity 1877-1939 (2005)

From William Morris (2005), which addresses the history of heritage preservation in the United Kingdom – and elsewhere as in New England and Cyprus – is fourteenth in a series of occasional volumes dedicated to studies in British art. This study is of interest in the context of the history of British imperialism and world military history. […]

I’m from Bouctouche, me (Savoie 2009)

Update: A May 19, 2013 Globe and Mail article by Donald J. Savoie is entitled: “Nigel Wright’s resignation sends a powerful signal: serving Canadians is high risks with few rewards.” Where is power? (2009) In Power: Where is it? (2010), political scientist Donald J. Savoie argues that in contemporary society, power does not reside in institutions and […]

Residents share wishlist for Toronto budget (Tamara Shephard article in Etobicoke Guardian, Jan. 10, 2013)

The headline and opening paragraphs in Tamara Shephard’s Jan. 10, 2013 article in The Etobicoke Guardian read as follows: Residents share wishlist for Toronto budget A south Etobicoke resident warned Wednesday night against a “Scrooge” Toronto budget that cuts social services. Michael Craig organized the budget information meeting attended by approximately 60 area residents at […]

Along the shore (Jane Fairburn 2013)

Update: In response to the post you are now reading, we’ve received additional information, from Jim Carr and Catherine O’Marra, regarding the motorcycle featured in the photograph. [End of update] A recent project has involved tracking down information related to the photograph on this page. The caption refers to the radial bridge over Highway 2 […]

TRCA now recruiting new watershed committee

In the following text I’ve switched some words from uppercase to lowercase and have changed the paragraph structure. As well I’ve added some subheadings. TRCA used to call itself the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. It now tends to call itself Toronto and Region Conservation. I’m pleased to share with you the following message from […]

We urge you to again show your support for designation of 28 Daisy Avenue under the Ontario Heritage Act

We urge you to write a letter or send an email today in support of the designation of 28 Daisy Avenue under the Ontario Heritage Act We owe thanks to all of the people who took the time to write a letter of support for designation of 28 Daisy Avenue under the Ontario Heritage Act. […]

Ontario, TDSB point fingers at each other over trade workers’ contract (Globe article)

In the interests of sharing a wide range of viewpoints, I’m pleased to share this article in the Jan. 7, 2013 Globe and Mail. The opening sentence in the above-noted Glove and Mail article (accessible via link in previous sentence) reads: “The Ontario government and the Toronto District School Board are locked in a dispute […]