Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment champions subjectivity in decision making

The Etobicoke York Committee of Adjustment champions subjectivity in its land-use decision making, as outlined at a recent post. In Long Branch, we have a history of developers coming in to split a lot, overbuilding on the resulting two tiny lots, hacking away at 100-year-old trees in the process, and then making a run for it, […]

After an April 4, 2018 meeting in Long Branch, I learned that prior permission from media relations at the city is not required, in order for a blogger to record what city officials say at a public meeting

Cultural differences between Toronto and Mississauga are evident at land use planning meetings

Microplastics in water: Concern that particles of less than 150 microns can pass through intestinal wall & end up in bloodstream & organs

A CBC Marketplace article is entitled: “Microplastics found in some Canadian bottled water: Tests show tiny particles but any effect on human health not known.” Excerpts: In total, 12 types of plastics, including the types in bottle caps and water bottles — polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) — were found in the water tested. Other […]

Built Heritage News – Alex Bozikovic speaks at April 7, 2018 ACO Symposium about plight of Toronto’s School Buildings

Following message is from Built Heritage News (I have broken text into shorter paragraphs for ease of online reading) Alex Bozikovic writes about the state of Toronto’s School Buildings, He will be speaking at ACO Toronto’s School Buildings at Risk Symposium on Saturday April 7 Don’t miss! ACO Toronto hopes to draw attention […]

Notman online collection has photos related to history of Saraguay, Quebec

I recently had coffee with Bob Carswell, whose history-related stories I have featured in previous posts. Below is an additional item that Bob has shared with me, after I asked him to verify the correct spelling for “McDougall,” whose house is featured on a map of postwar Saraguay that Bob has drawn, which we will […]

Councillor Sarah Doucette was final speaker, prior to Nov. 14, 2017 Etobicoke York Community Council vote, regarding Long Branch Character Guidelines

The following transcript is part of a package of links appearing at a previous post regarding the Nov. 14, 2017 meeting at which the Etobicoke York Community Council unanimously adopted the Long Branch Character Guidelines. Before the vote, on a motion regarding the Guidelines, two Councillors –  Mark Grimes (Ward 6) and Sarah Doucette (Ward 13) spoke. […]

Meeting of Long Branch Neighbourhood Association will take place at 7:00 pm on April 4, 2018 at Royal Canadian Legion Branch 101

Please check at for information about the association and details concerning the Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines.

Councillor Mark Grimes sums it up, prior to Nov. 14, 2017 Etobicoke York Community Council vote, regarding Long Branch Character Guidelines

A previous post is entitled: On Nov. 14, 2017, Etobicoke York Community Council unanimously adopted Long Branch Neighbourhood Character Guidelines; on Jan. 31, 2018, Toronto Council also unanimously adopted them The following transcript is part of a package of links appearing at the above-noted previous post regarding the Nov. 14, 2017 meeting at which the Etobicoke […]

Sawmill Sid Inc. is among highlights at April 6, 7, 8, 2018 Green Living Show at Metro Toronto Convention Centre

I was very pleased to learn recently that Sawmill Sid Inc. will be “the highlight, or one of the co-highlights anyways,” on April 6, 7, and 8, 2018, at the Green Living Show at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The purpose of the event, as Sawmill Sid explained to me in a brief interview at […]