Second Units at the City of Toronto: Message from David Godley of Long Branch

Following message is from David Godley, a retired planner who lives in Long Branch (I have broken longer texts into shorter paragraphs, for ease in online reading): SECOND UNITS, TORONTO DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT (ATTACHED) * INTRODUCTION Hello Jeremy and Sharon, I attended the Etobicoke meeting of City of Toronto session on May 9 2018. […]

Long Branch: A Jane’s Walk Bike Tour – another outstanding Jane’s Walk event, led by David Juliusson on May 6, 2018

Click here for previous posts about Jane’s Walk > I much enjoyed a recent heritage ride entitled “Long Branch: A Jane’s Walk Bike Tour,” led by David Juliusson with the support, and backing, of the Etobicoke South Cycling Committee and the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association. The event took place on May 6, 2018 starting at […]

Construction Update 5 – Six Points Interchange Reconfiguration

Click here to view this update online > The opening lines in the update read: Construction Update 5 Contract: 16ECS-Tl-01SP Start Date: May 2018 Expected End Date: Summer 2019 *Timeline is subject to change* The City of Toronto continues reconstructing the Six Points Interchange in the following locations. Please refer to Construction Update 5 for […]

Interfaith Festival takes place on Sunday, April 29, 2018 at the Tibetan Cultural Centre

The following announcement comes to us from Harry Oussoren via Jem Cain (my apologies for delay in posting it).   Commentary Click here for a previous post about Tibet >  

I became interested in The Water Will Come (2017) after I heard that Miami real estate agents are decrying the talk of disappearing coastlines

MPP Peter Milczyn’s GEMS of Etobicoke-Lakeshore Awards Night at the Assembly Hall, Wednesday, April 25th at 7 pm – hope to see you there!

The following message is from MPP Peter Milczyn’s Office: Dear Neighbour, The votes are in and are being counted for your favourite business, community and service organizations that are unique to Etobicoke-Lakeshore and I invite you to join me on April 25th at the Assembly Hall at 7:00 pm to find out if your favourite […]

Work has begun on poster, for May 5, 2018 Jane’s Walk led by MPP Peter Milczyn, starting at 10:30 am at Lake Shore Blvd. West & Long Branch Ave.

A previous post is entitled: Work has begun on Jane’s Walk in Long Branch, led by MPP Peter Milczyn, starting 10:30 am on May 5, 2018 By way of sharing the next steps that are involved, in the staging of a Jane’s Walk, below is a draft of a text that I’ve developed, in consultation […]

TRCA 2018 Report Card for Etobicoke Creek refers to ‘limited and often outdated stormwater management infrastructure’

Toronto and Region Conservation has issued eleven Report Cards for watersheds under its jurisdiction. Click here to access the 2018 TRCA Report Card for Etobicoke Creek > Click here to access the other TRCA 2018 Watershed Report Cards > Click here for previous posts at Preserved Stories website regarding Etobicoke Creek > Below is a screenshot of […]

The Order of the Templars was a powerful, militarized monastic order which arose during the Crusader wars: Introductory remarks

A recent post is entitled: Upgrades at Toronto Public Library website are highly impressive. At the latter post, Bert Eccles has shared a most interesting Comment, about how he likes to be reading many books at the same time, as that makes for a more interesting reading experience, than would otherwise be the case. I very […]

Long Branch Character Guidelines seek to disrupt rampant lot-splitting: Character Guidelines document highly significant in the history Long Branch, writes Jaan Pill (Etobicoke Guardian, April 10, 2018)

An April 10, 2018 opinion article in the Etobicoke Guardian is entitled: “Long Branch Character Guidelines seek to disrupt rampant lot-splitting: Character Guidelines document highly significant in the history Long Branch, writes Jaan Pill.” Commentary I am currently typing up additional transcripts, from the Nov. 14, 2017 Etobicoke York Community Council meeting, mentioned in the […]