Language usage, as I am using the term (others will have different ways of using it), is concerned with how we use language for specified purposes. My study of language usage includes an interest in how power at times distorts language, because it has the power to do so. Language usage also concerns itself with the distinction between rhetoric and reality. As well, the category is concerned with the formal, systematic study of rhetoric, and with humanity’s attempts to define reality.

Hansard transcript of Oct. 16, 2017 Bill 139 committee hearing at Queen’s Park regarding Bill 139 (proposed OMB Reform legislation)

You can access the transcript here: Committee Documents: Standing Committee on Social Policy – 2017-Oct-16 – Bill 139, Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017 Previous posts about OMB and Bill 139 Click here for previous posts about Bill 139 > Click here for previous posts about the OMB >  

Of stories & frames: Oct. 18, 2017 New York Times article highlights research by Amy Cuddy about body language & related topics

An Oct. 18, 2017 New York Times Magazine article is entitled: “When the RevolutionCame for Amy Cuddy: As a young social psychologist, she played by the rules and won big: an influential study, a viral TED talk, a prestigious job at Harvard. Then, suddenly, the rules changed.” I found the article of interest, as I’ve had […]

Comments from Colleen O’Marra regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website

The photo on the right of a small sample of artifacts from the 1984 dig at the Colonel Samuel Smith homestead site at 85 Forty First Street in Long Branch is from a blog post dated June 23, 2012. A previous post is entitled: Heads-up regarding next steps for the Preserved Stories website At that […]

Comments from Jaan Pill regarding August 2017 Long Branch Character Guidelines draft

My previous comments, regarding an earlier, February 2017 version of the Long Branch Character Guidelines draft, are at a post entitled: Input from Jaan Pill of Preserved Stories regarding Feb. 7, 2017 Long Branch Guidelines Draft My current comments address the more recent, August 2017 version of the Guidelines draft. The latter draft, on which my […]

Plain Language Is for Everyone, Even Experts: Nielsen Norman Group, Oct. 8, 2017

An Oct. 8, 2017 Nielsen Norman Group article is entitled: Plain Language Is for Everyone, Even Experts.” The summary for the article reads: “Professionals want clear, concise information devoid of unnecessary jargon or complex terms. Plain language benefits both consumers and organizations.”  

Re: Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB) Info Session, Oct. 18, 2017 at 7:00 pm. David Godley outlines MAJOR procedural roadblocks with TLAB!

A previous post is entitled: Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB) Info Session will take place at Assembly Hall, 7:00 pm, Oct. 18, 2017 David Godley has commented, regarding the meeting: “A unique opportunity to hear the Chair of TLAB explain the “New OMB” for Committee of Adjustment appeals.” He adds that that TLAB process “seems to […]

He once sued his tutors, alleging that they owed him money for everything he had taught them. He won.

An Oct. 7, 2017 Politico article is entitled: “Trump Is the Star of These Bizarre Victorian Novels: And the Internet is losing its mind.” The one problem with the headline is the expression “losing its mind.” I refer you, in this context, to the YouTube video entitled: Keys to our Past – Language & Stigma Similarly, […]

Artist and activist Ai Weiwei traveled to 23 countries to chronicle the global refugee crisis in the documentary, Human Flow

A CBC Radio Twitter message dated Sept. 28, 2017 features the following message: Ai Weiwei on his new documentary, Human Flow: Artist and activist Ai Weiwei traveled to 23 countries to chronicle the global refugee crisis in the documentary, Human Flow. It’s not an easy film to watch but he says it’s meant to feel alarming […]

Joyce Moore of North Toronto has added a comment regarding “the same destruction of neighbourhoods by developers”

A recent post is entitled: May 2017 Update from David Godley: Committee of Adjustment & related topics At that post, Joyce Moore of North Toronto has added the following comment: I have read many of the letters on your website and I believe that the same destruction of neighbourhoods by developers who are interested in […]

July 28, 2017 tweet from Jennifer Keesmaat‏ @jen_keesmaat talks up new Official Plan Indicators

Tweet from Chief Planner, City of Toronto, July 28, 2017: jennifer keesmaat‏ @jen_keesmaat We’re often pressured to focus more on the *speed* of planning approvals, than the outcome. So we created new Official Plan Indicators. Comment Anything that makes the Official Plan clear and unambiguous warrants celebration.