PL140761 Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approves 3 storey houses with double the density 48 35th St.

The following message is from David Godley: Good morning Residents of Long Branch. This [the text below] has been circulated to key politicians and some press. There is no real chance of changing the decision. Greetings from Long Branch PL140761 Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approves 3 storey houses with double the density 48 35th St. […]

History of Colonel Samuel Smith

This post is concerned with one of the topics at the June 13, 2015 Long Branch Fest Community Storytelling Panel that will be taking place starting at 8:00 pm at the corner of Twenty Ninth Street and Lake Shore Blvd. West. Colonel Samuel Smith Below are Speaking Notes for the presentation about the History of Colonel […]

Program – First Annual Long Branch Fest – June 13, 2015 – See U There!

Click on the image to enlarge it; click again to enlarge it further You can also access the PDF version here: Program inside Page[1]    

Jane Fairburn: Tearing down of Gardiner a leap of faith worth taking

Jane Fairburn, author of Along The Shore (2013) has shared a blog post that warrants a close read: Tearing down the Gardiner: It’s a bout a leap of faith that’s worth taking  

Draft Issues – May 4th Long Branch Community Meeting – Your input: Message from David Godley

The following information is from David Godley of Long Branch. He has given me permission to post it. Today, like many days, is a busy day for me. I am stopping all of my other work for half an hour in order to post this information. Message from David Godley Greetings to those interested in […]

What is Social Innovation? Good question

In previous posts, such as one at the link below, I have noted that I do not know what a Jane’s Walk is: What is a Jane’s Walk? It’s an open-ended concept Similarly, I do not know what Social Innovation is: A Jane’s Walk is a walking conversation, or walking lecture, or starts as lecture, […]

Women of Intelligence: Winning the Second World War with Air Photos (2012)

Women of Intelligence: Winning the Second World War with Air Photos (2012) is a remarkable book and for that reason I have decided to write this post. I have discussed the topic of women of intelligence in previous posts including: Women’s roles in Special Operations during the Second World War The Woman With the X-Ray […]

Share Your Stories & Learn More! Make note of these events on June 7 and 13, 2015 – and many more into September

The Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre has some great storytelling events lined up from June 7, 2015 into September 2015. Tara Mazurk, Curator of the L Space Gallery at Humber College, reports: “We have our first roundtable share-your-story on Sunday June 7th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Assembly Hall.” Click here to learn more […]

Teardown trend in Toronto homes weakens neighborhoods, expert says – June 1, 2015 CBC article

A June 1, 2015 CBC article is entitled: “Toronto’s booming real estate market fuels teardown trend: Teardown trend in Toronto homes weakens neighborhoods, expert says.” The opening paragraphs read: “Toronto’s red hot real estate market is fuelling a push to tear down homes on valuable land and replace them with newer, bigger ones, sometimes to […]

John Griffith is the great-grandnephew of Matthew Griffith. Great information from Edith George.

I am pleased to share with you these photos of John Griffith. Edith George, who forwarded the photos to me, notes: “John Griffith owns 5 and 1/2 acres in King Township where the Humber River flows through his property and the Historic Toronto Carrying Place Trail went through his property as well. “I went to visit […]