Lakeview Waterfront Update from Credit Valley Conservation

Click here to access a May 31, 2018 Lakeview Waterfront Update from CVC > The opening text for the CVC message reads: We’re making great progress towards creating our new 26-hectare conservation area on the Mississauga waterfront. Learn more about the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Update. [End] Commentary I have, as I have noted at […]

Reality tourism, readymade art, and Thirtieth St. unofficial pop-up auto museum

Unofficial pop-up auto museum on Thirtieth St. between Horner Ave. and Lake Shore Blvd. West

I have a keen interest in local history and in recent years, I’ve had the opportunity to explore it at some length, through uploading posts to my website, making presentations, and organizing Jane’s Walks. Local history is a recent interest for me; it’s an interest that I just happened to fall into. The topic of […]

A clarifying statement from the Jane’s Walk Steering Committee (I can add: I very much like the open-ended quality of Jane’s Walk)

The following May 11, 2018 email message is from the Jane’s Walk Steering Committee; my own Commentary follows below. Title of email: Jane’s Walk’s future is bright. A clarifying statement from the Steering Committee. * A word from the Jane’s Walk Steering Committee Dear Toronto, Yesterday we sent out an email that requires clarification. Most […]

In a few words: May 5, 2018 “Evolution of Long Branch Park” Jane’s Walk, led by MPP Peter Milczyn

I’ve prepared the following text for a story submitted to the Jane’s Walk website; I much enjoy working on such brief overviews of events. If we seek to get anything across, sometimes we have to focus on brevity: Our Walk drew upon input from many people, who designed the Walk route and chose key points […]

Second Units at the City of Toronto: Message from David Godley of Long Branch

Following message is from David Godley, a retired planner who lives in Long Branch (I have broken longer texts into shorter paragraphs, for ease in online reading): SECOND UNITS, TORONTO DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT (ATTACHED) * INTRODUCTION Hello Jeremy and Sharon, I attended the Etobicoke meeting of City of Toronto session on May 9 2018. […]

Long Branch: A Jane’s Walk Bike Tour – another outstanding Jane’s Walk event, led by David Juliusson on May 6, 2018

Click here for previous posts about Jane’s Walk > I much enjoyed a recent heritage ride entitled “Long Branch: A Jane’s Walk Bike Tour,” led by David Juliusson with the support, and backing, of the Etobicoke South Cycling Committee and the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association. The event took place on May 6, 2018 starting at […]

May 8, 2018 e-News Update from Etobicoke Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn

To view the e-News Update in your browser Click here The following text is an excerpt from the beginning of MPP Peter Milczyn’s May 8, 2018 e-News Update: Dear Neighbours, As the 41st Parliament of the Province of Ontario winds down and we head into an election campaign I want to thank the people of […]

May 5, 2018 Long Branch Jane’s Walk led by Etobicoke Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn was an outstanding success

The May 5, 2018 “Evolution of Long Branch Park (Starting 1884)” Jane’s Walk was an outstanding success on every level. MPP Peter Milczyn, who led the walk, found our Speaking Notes highly valuable, in providing an outline for each Stop along the way. As well, he added details, related to the evolution of Long Branch Park – including […]

May 5, 2018 “Evolution of Long Branch Park” Jane’s Walk led by MPP Peter Milczyn features Seven Stops

The following posts (see links below), regarding MPP Peter Milczyn’s May 5, 2018 Jane’s Walk, are a work in progress. To them I will, in time, add brief stories appearing as separate posts, based on archival resources, related to the Evolution of Long Branch Park (starting 1884): First Stop – Long Branch Ave. & Lake […]