Developers learning heritage buildings can be money-makers – July 25, 2017 Toronto Star

A July 25, 2017 Toronto Star article is entitled: “Developers learning heritage buildings can be money-makers: Hume: The Great Hall at Queen and Dovercourt was a mess until someone recognized its architectural, cultural, social and economic value.” I learned of the article from a tweet by Ken Greenberg @KGreenbergTO Previous posts, at the Preserved Stories […]

Invite to Sept. 18, 2017 final presentation by NAV CAN consultant on the Toronto Airspace Review: Register via Eventbrite

On July 22, 2917 a Long Branch resident has posted the following message at the Long Branch Neighbourhood Watch Facebook Group. I am sharing it with anyone who may be interested: Invite to presentation by NAV CAN consultant on the Toronto Airspace Review: Helios – Independent Toronto Airspace Review – Final Presentation From: Toronto Airspace […]

John Stewart of Wiarton has shared some photos of the fire that destroyed the Long Branch Hotel in 1958

An earlier post is entitled: John Stewart of Wiarton has added a comment to a previous post about the 1958 fire at the Long Branch Hotel John Stewart lived for many years on Arcadian Circle in Long Branch. I met with John in Long Branch on July 12, 2017, and had the opportunity to scan […]

Conserving Long Branch June 2017 Update 3 – David Godley

The following photo and attached messages are from David. Any Word document, that David sends, I convert at once into a PDF: 38 36th St 938coa[2] TLAB – Notice of Hearing The following message for June 2017 is from David Godley. Sometimes I fall behind in the posting of David’s messages. Today I’m catching up. David […]

Conserving Long Branch: July 2017 Update from David Godley

Attachments for this message: tlab rile&p tlabhearings trees The following message is from David Godley (I will also be posting David’s final Update for June 2017): Enjoy the warm July weather; the lake looks lovely from Long Branch CONTENTS 1) Toronto Local Appeal Board 2) Recent COA decisions 3) Outstanding Committee of Adjustment Applications 4) […]

The 9 Meaford Ave. OMB decision, which ruled in favour of the local residents, warrants a close read

Note concerning photo on the right The calligraphic pen on the right is from Staples. The blue notebook is from Curry’s Artists’ Materials. These are my favourite writing instruments. Some of my best writing, including the introduction to A History of Long Branch, has been done using them. The coffee cup is courtesy of Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Peter Milczyn’s Office. […]

GTAA officials cancel Etobicoke airport workshop same day; MPs cry foul – June 29, 2017 Etobicoke Guardian

Update A July 12, 2017 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Etobicoke, Mississauga residents fight GTAA over Pearson airport growth plans: ‘It’s a war zone,” one resident said of aircraft noise above her home.” [End]   A previous post is entitled: Air Traffic Noise meeting set for June 28, 2017 at Assembly Hall is rescheduled for […]

The Long Branch Neighbourhood Association plans to stage an AGM in the Fall of 2017

I had the good fortune to attend the June 5, 2017 meeting of the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association. During the meeting, I made some notes. Right after the meeting, I wrote up a draft of a report based on my notes. The report that follows is based on the draft report that I prepared right after […]

Pearson Airport Air Traffic Noise Meeting – Mississauga: Tues July 4 @ 6:30 – 8:30pm at Living Arts

I am pleased to share the following tweet from @Mississauga_Cal   AIRPORT WORKSHOP – MISSISSAUGA: Tues July 4 @ 6:30 – 8:30pm at Living Arts Centre, re future of Toronto Pearson  [End] Click on the link above for details about this and other Air Traffic Noise Meetings (branded as Workshops by the GTAA).  

Application for lot severance & building of soldier houses at 38 Thirty Sixth Street has been Refused by the C of A

An excerpt from a June 29, 2017 email from David Godley, regarding the June 29, 2017 meeting of the Etobicoke-York Committee of Adjustment, reads: “Congratulations all those involved. The large turnout, looking like a whole village was impressive. “Robert’s visit to Committee on June 1st showed the importance of this and his commitment and co-ordination […]