Toronto’s 1950s emergency housing: An informative, comprehensive overview by Kevin Brushett (2007)

First meeting of Toronto Local Appeal Body – Feb. 10, 2017 in Scarborough

Lakeshore Planning Council has passed along the following message: The first meeting of the TORONTO LOCAL APPEAL BODY Agenda – Orientation on the Operations of the LAB NOTICE OF MEETINGS – TORONTO LOCAL APPEAL BODY Toronto Local Appeal Body meeting has been called for: Friday, February 10th, 2017 commencing at 9:00 am in Committee Room […]

Through A Lens, Brightly – Ecology (of Col. Samuel Smith Park) photo exhibit – Humber College Lakeshore Campus, until April 29 2017

I was very impressed with the recent Grand Openings of three new buildings at Humber College: Humber College Lakeshore Campus Grand Openings took place on Jan. 26, 2017 Humber College is featuring two exhibits. I’ve discussed the first exhibit at a post entitled: Behind the Bricks: Recovering the Stories (oral histories) of the Lakeshore Psychiatric […]

Behind the Bricks: Recovering the Stories (oral histories) of the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital – Humber College until May 31, 2017

I was very impressed with the Grand Openings of three new buildings at Humber College: Humber College Lakeshore Campus Grand Openings took place on Jan. 26, 2017 Click here for a quick overview and short video about the new buildings > The Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre at Humber College is now open to the community […]

Life at the Long Branch Army Camp, long, long ago! – Garry Burke shares additional comments

A previous post is entitled: Ted Long shares photos from the Long Branch army camp in the 1950s; with comments from Ted Long & Garry Burke I am pleased to share with you an additional comment (Jan. 31, 2017) from Garry Burke: [Ted Long has established that he is indeed the “Teddy” Long that Garry […]

Ted Long shares photos from the Long Branch army camp in the 1950s; with comments from Ted Long & Garry Burke

Where Europe’s GDP Is Rising And Falling: Impressive data visualization at

A Jan. 18, 2017 article is entitled: “Where Europe’s GDP Is Rising And Falling: These maps break down the EU’s wealth, region by region.” Great use of data visualization! Very impressive work. Also, of interest: A Jan. 27, 2017 Brookings Institution article is entitled: “What science tells us about how to combat fake news.” An […]

CBC The Current podcast: We are natural storytelling machines, not statisticians – The Undoing Project (2017)

A Jan. 27, 2017 CBC The Current article (with a link to a podcast) is entitled: “How two game-changing psychologists changed the way we think about thinking.” Click here for a transcript of the Jan. 27, 2017 CBC interview > The CBC interview on which the article is based, was with the author Michael Lewis. […]

History of Canadian housing: Keeping to the Marketplace (1993); Unplanned Suburbs (1996); Emergence of Social Security (1997); Social Policy & Practice (2006)

A previous post is entitled Where will the people go: Toronto’s Emergency Housing Program and the Limits of Canadian Social Housing Policy, 1944-1957. Many perspectives – such as ones based on history, political economy, and economics, or a combination of them – are available with regard to housing. Among these perspectives, original, first-hand accounts from people who’ve actually […]

Humber College Lakeshore Campus Grand Openings took place on Jan. 26, 2017

On Jan. 26, 2017 I had the good fortune to attend the Lakeshore Campus Grand Openings to celebrate three new additions to Humber College in South Etobicoke. The Lakeshore Student Welcome and Resource Centre The Lakeshore Fitness Centre The Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre Click here for a quick overview and short video about the new […]