Lakeview Waterfront Connection – Summer Community Engagement

An earlier post that highlights and provides a context for the Lakeview Waterfront Connection project can be accessed here. Additional posts related to the redevelopment of the Mississauga waterfront can be accessed here. The following message is from Credit Valley Conservation: Join CVC, Region of Peel and TRCA to learn more about the Lakeview Waterfront Connection. […]

Rehearsal for World Cup Opening Night Party! The Mod Club, 722 College St.

In a previous post, I introduced Anthony Savidge, a local musician studying at Humber College in New Toronto. He’s playing drums this evening at the World Cup Opening Party at The Mod Club in a performance featuring two groups of musicians including Anderson “Chocolatte” Santos and A Fantástica Beteria. The Mod Club is at 722 […]

Introducing Anthony Savidge, local musician studying at Humber – performing at the Mod Club, June 11, 2014

I recently net Anthony Savidge, a local musician who’s currently studying at Humber. I spoke with him at the Fait Grounds Cafe at Twenty Fourth St. and Lake Shore Blvd. West in Long Branch. He’s performing this evening at the World Cup Opening Party at The Mod Club in a performance featuring two groups of […]

John Easton has shared with us some great south Etobicoke archival photos

I haven’t sent much time in archives, because my time is limited, but am delighted when archival photos are sent my way. You can click on the images to enlarge them. I’m pleased to share with you the following archival jpeg images that John Easton of Long Branch has shared with me. I’ve posted a […]

Brian Liberty further describes Community Garden project in New Toronto

In a video from the May 4, 2014 Jane’s Walk in Long Branch, Brian Liberty elaborates on comments, made at the Jane’s Walk the previous day, concerning a Community Garden project in New Toronto. You can access the video, which is 2 minutes and 43 seconds in length, at this link: Brian Liberty further describes Community […]

Marie Curtis Bike Skills Park – May 12, 2014 Public Meeting document

We’ve discussed the bike skills park in earlier posts. Here’s a PDF of the May 12, 2014 public meeting on this topic: MCBP Public Meeting 2 Presentation_web The document is entitled: Marie Curtis Bike Skills Park Public Meeting #2 – May 12, 2014  

Update – Air quality results for south Etobicoke. May 27, 2014 Toronto Environmental Alliance Meet & Greet event at LAMP

I attended a presentation by the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) in south Etobicoke a year ago, in May 2013. I was impressed with the quality and scope of information that Heather Marshall shared at that time. The work that TEA is doing is tremendously valuable and inspiring. Air quality is a topic that is of […]

Anecdotes Shared by Fellow Walkers – May 5, 2014 post by Jaan Pill at Jane’s Walk website

I’ve recently posted a blog item for the Toronto Walks Blog of the Jane’s Walk website. I’ve enjoyed writing this item, because it enables a person to consider the broader issues of interest to anybody who lives close to the Lake Ontario shoreline – in Mississauga, Toronto, or anywhere else along this or any other […]

Map shows location of proposed Bike Skills Park at Marie Curtis Park

A question that came up during the May 3, 2014 Jane’s Walk in Long Branch concerned the location of the proposed Bike Skills Park at Marie Curtis Park. I’ve posted the map at the end of this post. Background information about the Marie Curtis Park Bike Park proposal can be found at a City of […]

May 4, 2014 Jane’s Walk in Long Branch focused on conversations – with many people sharing anecdotes and comments

Our May 4, 2014 Jane’s Walk in Long Branch went beautifully – as has been the case with each of our Jane’s Walks in this neighbourhood in South Etobicoke on the Lake Ontario shoreline starting with the first one on May 6, 2012. This year the conversational element was even more a central feature of […]