Gordon Freeland of Brampton seeks information related to Long Branch. Can you help?

Gordon Freeland of  Brampton has shared the following information in an email to Denise Harris, Heritage Officer, Etobicoke Heritage Society: “Now at 82 I must accept I am part of LB history. Born Aug 11, 1930 on 9th St New Toronto, and first school was J.S. Bell til June 1939. “My father, James Freeland, immigrated […]

OMB decision – 168 Lake Promenade in Long Branch (in Toronto not New Jersey)

This blog post presents the key parts of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) decision regarding 168 Lake Promenade. Of relevance with regard to the OMB is this earlier blog post highlighting a letter from Etobicoke-Lakeshore MPP Laurel Broten in which she refers to provincial legislation introduced in 2007 regarding the appeals process. Purpose and layout […]

A Long Branch resident passed along to Barry Kemp this photo of the Eastwood Park Hotel

  This is a photo that Barry Kemp, past president of the Long Branch Historical Society, received some time ago from a resident of Long Branch. Update (June 3, 2013): Along with the photo that I received from Barry Kemp was a photocopy of the back of a post card, on which was written the […]

Please write an email today to the Toronto Preservation Board regarding 28 Daisy Avenue in Long Branch

I’ve written the following email to Robert Saunders c/o Janette Gerrard at jgerrar@toronto.ca regarding 28 Daisy Avenue in Long Branch. [Click on link in previous sentence for background about this historic property.] Please write a letter of your own as soon as possible; the meeting that will decide on the designation takes place on Feb. […]

Cautionary ‘hold and secure’ lifted at Etobicoke school (Etobicoke Guardian Jan. 17, 2013) at 85 Forty First Street

Precautionary ‘hold and secure’ lifted at Etobicoke school Article by Cynthia Reason, Jan. 17, 2013 Etobicoke Guardian. The opening text reads as follows: A man is in custody and a precautionary ‘hold and secure’ at a south Etobicoke elementary school was lifted a little over an hour after it was put in place Thursday, after […]

Mr. Christie update from Councillor Peter Milczyn

Following message (Jan. 17, 2013) is from Office of Councillor Peter Milczyn: Good afternoon, Councillor Peter Milczyn asked that I email you today and update you on this Etobicoke matter as you have been in touch with him in recent months regarding the closure of the Christie plant in South Etobicoke. Peter has some good […]

Residents share wishlist for Toronto budget (Tamara Shephard article in Etobicoke Guardian, Jan. 10, 2013)

The headline and opening paragraphs in Tamara Shephard’s Jan. 10, 2013 article in The Etobicoke Guardian read as follows: Residents share wishlist for Toronto budget A south Etobicoke resident warned Wednesday night against a “Scrooge” Toronto budget that cuts social services. Michael Craig organized the budget information meeting attended by approximately 60 area residents at […]

Along the shore (Jane Fairburn 2013)

Update: In response to the post you are now reading, we’ve received additional information, from Jim Carr and Catherine O’Marra, regarding the motorcycle featured in the photograph. [End of update] A recent project has involved tracking down information related to the photograph on this page. The caption refers to the radial bridge over Highway 2 […]

TRCA now recruiting new watershed committee

In the following text I’ve switched some words from uppercase to lowercase and have changed the paragraph structure. As well I’ve added some subheadings. TRCA used to call itself the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. It now tends to call itself Toronto and Region Conservation. I’m pleased to share with you the following message from […]

We urge you to again show your support for designation of 28 Daisy Avenue under the Ontario Heritage Act

We urge you to write a letter or send an email today in support of the designation of 28 Daisy Avenue under the Ontario Heritage Act We owe thanks to all of the people who took the time to write a letter of support for designation of 28 Daisy Avenue under the Ontario Heritage Act. […]