An occasional Newsletter from Preserved Stories.

Consultation on Local Appeal Boards TONIGHT at Etobicoke Civic Centre 6.45 to 9.00

CONSULTATION on Local Appeal Boards TONIGHT at Etobicoke Civic Centre 6.45 to 9.00 Subject: Made-for-Toronto Local Appeal Body Public Consultations The Province of Ontario granted the City of Toronto the power to establish a Local Appeal Body (LAB) to hear appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions (both minor variances and consents). At its December 4th, […]

American Hustle (2013) is loosely based upon the late 1970s FBI Abscam sting

Several overviews based upon the movie American Hustle (2013) – from The New Yorker, The Daily Beast, and The Telegraph, among other sources – are available online. The IMDb overview of the film sums up the story: “A con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with his seductive British partner, Sydney Prosser, is forced to work for a wild […]

Construction now under way on Hanlan Feedermain Project in Mississauga

  I’ve been following with interest, and for some time, the construction details of the work on the Hanlan Feedermain Project, which I have discussed in previous blog posts in relation to the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project. I’ve been following the process, regularly taking photographs and short videos, since before the time that a temporary […]

“How Germany Reconquered Europe: The Euro and Its Discontents” – Feb. 2014 Harper’s Magazine

Occasionally I buy the news stand copy of a magazine. The Atlantic, The Walrus, The New Yorker, and a few other magazines come to mind. The Harper’s Magazine for February 2014 has a number of articles of interest, not available for free on the Internet. Given that my attention was captured by a front-cover title […]

TTC CEO Andy Byford to study short-turning streetcars, Humber Loop (Etobicoke Guardian, Feb. 12, 2014)

We owe thanks to David Juliusson for letting us know of a Feb. 12, 2014 Etobicoke Guardian article by Tamara Shephard, relating to transit in south Etobicoke. [Click on link in previous sentence to access the article.] David Juliusson has referred, in a recent email, to the plan, discussed in the article, to redevelop the […]

A History of Subways on Bloor and Queen Streets (

David Juliusson has shared with us the text of a blog post at entitled: “A History of Subways on Bloor and Queen streets.” [Click on the link in the previous sentence to access the post.] The opening paragraphs read: The Initial Proposals (see also Early History) As the city of Toronto developed, it took […]

“Changes in speech-language service will harm kids” (Feb. 7, 2014 Toronto Star)

A Feb. 7, 2014 Toronto Star article is entitled: “Changes in speech-language service will harm kids, health official says.” The subhead reads: “Head of the LAMP Community Health Centre worries that fewer preschoolers who struggle to communicate will get help after [Toronto Preschool Speech and Languages Service] revamps its program.” The opening paragraphs read: A […]

Ken Leland’s most recent novel is situated in 1812

I recently learned from Donna Magee of Toronto that Ken Leland’s most recent novel is situated in 1812. The book is entitled 1812: The Land Between Flowing Waters. You can find information about the novel here.  

Message for your interest from David Godley of Long Branch: OMB issues and how to fix them internally

The following text (and forwarded email from the City of Toronto) is from Long Branch resident David Godley, which I share for your interest: This letter and attached has been sent to the Premier, Municipal Affairs and Attorney General. Feel free to circulate, post or comment. To support send emails to to;;; […]