An occasional Newsletter from Preserved Stories.

I’m from Bouctouche, me (Savoie 2009)

Update: A May 19, 2013 Globe and Mail article by Donald J. Savoie is entitled: “Nigel Wright’s resignation sends a powerful signal: serving Canadians is high risks with few rewards.” Where is power? (2009) In Power: Where is it? (2010), political scientist Donald J. Savoie argues that in contemporary society, power does not reside in institutions and […]

Residents share wishlist for Toronto budget (Tamara Shephard article in Etobicoke Guardian, Jan. 10, 2013)

The headline and opening paragraphs in Tamara Shephard’s Jan. 10, 2013 article in The Etobicoke Guardian read as follows: Residents share wishlist for Toronto budget A south Etobicoke resident warned Wednesday night against a “Scrooge” Toronto budget that cuts social services. Michael Craig organized the budget information meeting attended by approximately 60 area residents at […]

Along the shore (Jane Fairburn 2013)

Update: In response to the post you are now reading, we’ve received additional information, from Jim Carr and Catherine O’Marra, regarding the motorcycle featured in the photograph. [End of update] A recent project has involved tracking down information related to the photograph on this page. The caption refers to the radial bridge over Highway 2 […]

TRCA now recruiting new watershed committee

In the following text I’ve switched some words from uppercase to lowercase and have changed the paragraph structure. As well I’ve added some subheadings. TRCA used to call itself the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. It now tends to call itself Toronto and Region Conservation. I’m pleased to share with you the following message from […]

We urge you to again show your support for designation of 28 Daisy Avenue under the Ontario Heritage Act

We urge you to write a letter or send an email today in support of the designation of 28 Daisy Avenue under the Ontario Heritage Act We owe thanks to all of the people who took the time to write a letter of support for designation of 28 Daisy Avenue under the Ontario Heritage Act. […]

Ontario, TDSB point fingers at each other over trade workers’ contract (Globe article)

In the interests of sharing a wide range of viewpoints, I’m pleased to share this article in the Jan. 7, 2013 Globe and Mail. The opening sentence in the above-noted Glove and Mail article (accessible via link in previous sentence) reads: “The Ontario government and the Toronto District School Board are locked in a dispute […]

Can a new park help weave together divided Dallas? (Planetizen, Jan. 8, 2013)

The following headline and text is from a Jan. 8, 2013 article in Planetizen. Can a new park help weave together divided Dallas? Alan G. Brake looks at the ambitions of Dallas’s newly opened Klyde Warren Park. Built atop a trenched highway, the park “attempts to merge sophisticated contemporary design with walkable urbanism” while uniting two […]

Ward Forum meeting Tues., Jan. 29, 2013 (Pamela Gough and Chris Glover)

Following message is from the Office of TDSB Trustee Pamela Gough: Good Morning, Happy New Year! Welcome back to everyone from Trustee Pamela Gough. Please find attached the flyer with information about the joint Ward Forum meeting on Tuesday January 29 at 7 pm at Lambton Kingsway JMS (525 Prince Edward Dr.) that Trustee Gough […]

Casino proposal: All residents encouraged to fill out the online feedback form by Fri., Jan. 25, 2013

The proposed casino is a source of interest for many people, as this Jan. 9, 2013 Globe and Mail article indicates. A second Globe article describes the format for the public meetings connected with this topic. This Jan. 12, 2013 Toronto Star article describes the second consultation that’s been held. This Jan. 30, 2013 Toronto Star article highlights […]

Stories about storytellers (Douglas Gibson 2011)

Alice Munro wrote a letter to the head of Macmillan of Canada in March 1986 when Douglas Gibson moved from Macmillan to set up Douglas Gibson Books at McClelland and Stewart (M&S). In the letter she wrote of her desire to be free of her contract with Macmillan so that she could be represented by […]