An occasional Newsletter from Preserved Stories.

On May 31, 2023 we met once again for a Malcolm Campbell High School picnic at a perfect backyard venue in London, Ontario

For some years, as a retired teacher I’ve been following events at the Peel District School Board

Good to keep in mind: You don’t need permission to quote what City of Toronto staff say at public meetings

Reply to David Juliusson from Councillor Morley’s Office, May 25, 2023 regarding 220 Lake Promenade in Long Branch

There are limits to what upzoning can do; that said, upzoning appears capable of making a difference

Message from David Juliusson of Long Branch who strongly argues in favour of a community meeting on the development 220 Lake Promenade

Red Memory: The Afterlives of China’s Cultural Revolution (2023) and How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning With the History of Slavery Across America (2021)

Matthew Desmond (2023): Poverty persists in America because while those in poverty struggle, many who are not poor benefit from the poverty of their fellow citizens

Province approves two MZOs in Mississauga, allowing Lakeview group to add thousands more units to development: May 14, 2023 Mississauga News