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132 search results for: democracy


Role dispossession, occasioned by plagiarism

Update A Dec. 6, 2016 Toronto Star article is entitled: “College of teachers finds Chris Spence guilty of professional misconduct: Former TDSB education director, accused of plagiarism, will now face penalty hearing.” [end]   Definitions According to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, Second edition, to plagiarize is 1 to take and use (the thoughts, writings, inventions, etc. […]


I’m from Bouctouche, me (Savoie 2009)

Update: A May 19, 2013 Globe and Mail article by Donald J. Savoie is entitled: “Nigel Wright’s resignation sends a powerful signal: serving Canadians is high risks with few rewards.” Where is power? (2009) In Power: Where is it? (2010), political scientist Donald J. Savoie argues that in contemporary society, power does not reside in institutions and […]


How the spectre of the Iron Curtain haunts Eastern Europe today: Toronto Star interview with Anne Applebaum (Jan. 6, 2013)

I read with interest this Jan. 6, 2013 interview in The Toronto Star with Anne Applebaum, author of Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe. The opening up of archives and the availability of personal accounts of the postwar years in Eastern Europe is, I believe, a significant achievement. Accurate and balanced overviews based on such resources are […]


Perception is reality does not apply to climate change

Updates When I say that perception is reality does not apply in the case of climate change I’m saying that reality in this case obtrudes – as contested to many other situations in life, where evidence and facts can readily be ignored in favour of varied preferred ways of seeing things. A book that comes […]


Communication power (2009) by Manuel Castells

Update: It may be added that the concept of a networked society is appealing but has limitations. [End of update]   I’ve borrowed a Toronto Public Library copy of Communication power (2009) by Manuel Castells. I borrowed it after reading Burke (2005). As noted in the latter link, Castells argues that networks constitute the new ‘social […]


Ghosts of Empire (2011) analyzes British imperialism from the perspective of its rulers

There was nothing liberal about the British empire, claims to the contrary notwithstanding. In Ghosts of Empire (2011), Kwasi Kwarteng argues that “Britain’s empire was not liberal in the sense of being a plural, democratic society. The empire openly repudiated ideas of human equality and put power and responsibility into the hands of a chosen elite, drawn […]