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If you are an MCHS 60s grad, you are cordially invited to add your name to the MCHS 60s Reunion database

We are now working on the planning for the music, playlist, and entertainment details for the Malcolm Campbell High School 60s Reunion and Celebration of the 60s that will take place at Old Mill Toronto on Oct. 17, 2015. Any person who attended MCHS at any point in the 1960s – including students who graduated […]


Sherry B. Ortner has emphasized “bridge making between theoretical and methodological divisions within anthro­pology.”

When I’m working on other projects, as a diversion I like to read about the great anthropologists of our time. I recently came across Fifty Key Anthropologists (2011). The blurb (I have added italics to the title) at the Toronto Public Library website for the book notes: “Fifty Key Anthropologists surveys the life and work of some […]


WOOP (Oettingen 2014): Wish | Outcome | Obstacle | Plan

For many years, I’ve had several projects on the go at the same time, and am always looking for better ways to get things done. Among the resources that I’ve found helpful are the following: Ellen Langer’s concept – a particular version, as she conceptualizes it – of mindfulness is useful. I’ve outlined her approach […]


Mindfulness stands in contrast to mindlessness

An Oct. 22, 2014 New York Times article is entitled: “What if age is nothing but a mind-set?” The article describes an experiment in which a group of subjects in their senior years, who had graduated from high school many decades earlier, were provided an intensive array of sensory cues – such as music from the 1950s, […]


Without positing a simple-minded connection, Not Hollywood (2013) argues that taste is linked to a particular class background

I have previously posted several items about Not Hollywood (2013). This post discusses these and other posts. Toronto Public Library resources I came across Sherry B. Ortner’s work when I was reading The Hidden Life of Girls (2006), a linguistic anthropology study of cliques of popular girls in American schools. The author of the latter […]