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1001 search results for: Long Branch


Do you have a photo of Robin’s Nest, built by Alfred Bray who moved to Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey) in 1910?

Sandy Bray has a question that you may be able to answer “I’ve been enjoying your site very much,” Sandy Bray writes, “and have been thinking alot of memories and questions, etc. etc.” Sandy has recently sent a question to her dad, Jim Bray, asking if he remembered the address of the house called “Robins Nest” […]


Image of Long Branch Hotel

As noted in a previous post, on one occasion I mistook a photo of the Eastwood Park Hotel for the Long Branch Hotel. I recently came across a copy of Villages of Etobicoke (1985), which features an image of the hotel. It’s an interesting book but when it comes to dates and details, I wouldn’t […]


During construction along Lake Shore Blvd. West, be wary of turns onto, or off of, Lake Shore (2 collisions observed in Long Branch)

During the past two days I’ve observed two car collisions – at least one of them involving personal injury – on Lake Shore Blvd. West east of Brown’s Line. The situation is as follows 1. Traffic is constricted along the construction route. Less space is available than otherwise to handle the usual flow of traffic. […]


Sept. 17, 2013 Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Informational Open House at Long Branch Legion

The following information is from Councillor Mark Grimes’ website: [I have added a link (see below) to an interview I did with Mississauga Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey in August 2013. I have also broken the single concluding paragraph in the original into shorter paragraphs.]   Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Informational Open House Posted September […]