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638 search results for: First World War


History of film editing – Reisz and Millar (1968)

The Technique of Film Editing, Second Edition (1968) is a classic text by Karel Reisz and Gavin Millar that is read even now by film students. It’s a useful resource for anybody interested in how stories are put together, and how life is viewed and experienced, then and now. Because I’m currently taking a film editing […]


Doors Open event at Small Arms on Sept. 28, 2013 will feature an estimated 3,000 attendees

On Aug. 17, 2013, I spoke with Bob Cutmore, a key organizer of the Sept. 28, 2013 Doors Open event at the historic Small Arms Ltd.building in Mississauga. Mississauga Ward 1 Councillor Jim Tovey has described the Doors Open event at an earlier blog post. Among other things, I’m looking forward to this year’s Doors Open because […]


Blurbs define us and tell us who we are

It’s great to have a Twitter account and a blog, because they offer a person a way to organize her or his thinking and learn from other people. My topic concerns the nature of reality. How do we make sense of reality? We have available to us a wide range of academic, corporate, and political […]


Evil Men (2013)

The following blurb at the Toronto Public Library website highlights a study by James Dawes – presented in a fractured structuring of transcripts and commentary – entitled Evil Men: Presented with accounts of genocide and torture, we ask how people could bring themselves to commit such horrendous acts. A searching meditation on our all-too-human capacity for […]


Continual learning and patient-focused practice in health care and 226 square feet of shelter

I’m pleased to share with you the headlines and opening paragraphs or other excerpts from several articles. 1. From Britain, here’s to your health (André Picard) From the middle of the article, two paragraphs: Dr. Berwick’s report begins with some general but important observations: Patient safety problems exist, to varying degrees, in every health system […]


I strongly support the Ontario Liberals because of their work on behalf of early childhood education – and because they ensured Parkview School remains in public hands

I strongly support Peter Milczyn in the Etobicoke-Lakeshore byelection. I strongly support the legacy of Laurel Broten, who served for 10 years as the MPP for Etobicoke-Lakeshore serving in many important key positions. Having spent many years working with very young children and later as an elementary school teacher, I’m aware of research such as […]


What is worth preserving?

What is worth preserving? Our attitudes toward ruins and historically significant buildings and cultural landscapes have a relationship to a wider conversation about what matters. After the Second World War, destruction of heritage properties and landscapes was the norm in much of the world, a practice which in some cases continues today. Jane Jacobs among […]


Here’s the church and there’s the congregation – Church and sect in Canada (1948)

What space can be used for is a question that concerns the geographical imagination, in the sense that James A. Tyner (2012) speaks of a person’s imagination. Although Tyner has, in the above-noted study, applied the concept of the geographical imagination specifically to the study of genocide, his conceptualization is equally applicable to other discussions – that […]