‘There’s no major city like it’: Toronto’s unique ravine system under threat – Dec. 21, 2018 Guardian report

I learned of the following article from a Jan. 10, 2018 Heritage Toronto email. The Dec. 21, 2018 Guardian article, that I learned about, is entitled: “‘There’s no major city like it’: Toronto’s unique ravine system under threat: Without urgent action against environmental degradation, the forest ravines covering 20% of the city could be reduced […]

Jan. 9, 2019 message from David Godley regarding 65 40th Street severance and variances application in Long Branch, Ontario

A Jan. 9, 2019 message from David Godley is accessible here: David Godley Jan. 9 2019 message Attached files (which I’ve converted to PDF files in the event they were not PDF files already) can be accessed here: 11stantlabpres2 15stanevi TLAB_15-Stanley-Ave_Decision_Ilord udex Commentary I encourage site visitors to set up websites such as mine: I […]

History begins with definition of terms

At a recent post, I began to write about my approach, as a layperson, to reading about history: Article by Andres Kasekamp: “Fascism by Popular Initiative: The Rise and Fall of the Vaps Movement in Estonia” (2015) In his 2015 article, Kasekamp comments (p. 156): “Using Stanley Payne’s typology of fascism [3], I have previously argued […]

Article by Andres Kasekamp, “Fascism by Popular Initiative: The Rise and Fall of the Vaps Movement in Estonia” (2015), is available online

Message from David Godley of Long Branch regarding final approval of OPA 320

A previous post is entitled: Settlement reached regarding City of Toronto Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 320 – You can access text and PDF at this post Now settled in at Stratford, I continue to follow with interest events in Long Branch, where I lived for twenty-one years. It is most interesting to be keeping up […]

I encourage you to set up your own website about local history and land use planning issues

I wrote the following post on May 8, 2017; I’ve recently added material to it. I’m reposting it, in order to bring attention to it: I encourage you to set up your own website about local history and land use planning issues  

David Godley’s Long Branch Update – January 2019

You can access David Godley’s January 2018 Long Branch update here: david godley jan 2019 I don’t always get around to posting his updates, having moved to Stratford but sometimes I post them. The email from David has two Word documents which I’ve converted to PDFs: OPA320 Rogalski[1] 11stantlabpres1[1] Conversion of emails to PDF: Convenience; […]

Photo from Ulrich Laska (MCHS 1963) of Walter Rhead, Kathleen Dawson, and Ulrich Laska at their second annual reunion in Mexico

I’m very pleased to share with you this recent photo from Ulrich Laska (MCHS 1963). “It’s amazing,” Ulrich remarks in a Dec. 30, 2018 email, “how your preserved memories have slowly rebuilt what was a long lost web of connections. Thank you so very much for doing this.” He adds: “Walter Rhead and Kathy Dawson […]