David Godley of Long Branch has also sent a letter (succinct and with a great citation) in support of designation of 58 Wheatfield Road

I am pleased to share the following letter regarding 58 Wheatfield Road from David Godley:

To the Chair and Members of Etobicoke York Community Council,

I have spent the last 10 of my retirement years fighting to keep the character of Lakeshore neighbourhoods.

I ask you to designate 58 Wheatfield Road to conserve the character of Mimico and follow the strong heritage and urban design policies in the Official Plan.

The introduction to Heritage Resources states:

“Our heritage buildings, districts and landscapes create a unique sense of space and a rooted sense of local identity and continuity for Torontonians. Heritage Conservation is also a wise investment for a municipality. Heritage restoration work sets off much higher job and investment economic multipliers than new construction and heritage sites are a draw to tourism and the film industry. Heritage conservation not only makes our neighbourhoods even more attractive, it also increases their desirability and value”

Heritage Designation is one way of implementing City policies.

Thank you,

David Godley

401 Lake Promenade

Toronto M8W 1C3


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