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But we are proud to say that Jaan Pill contributed 3449 entries already.
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Update A July 12, 2017 CBC article is entitled: Don’t drain the swamp: report says wetlands help avert flood damage: Study says leaving wetlands in their natural state can help protect communities from severe flooding.” [End] The following text, from a March 23, 2017 TRCA news release that I learned about on March 24, […]
Following recent text (which I have shortened slightly) is from Geoff Kettel: Correction The Fight for Bala is showing at 1.00.p.m. on Friday – as well as at 3.30 – at Waterdocs per the event schedule at Rob Stewart is apparently expected to participate (via Skype) with Jonah in the Q&A after the 1.00 […]
You can access a review of the book here. The Canadian Oral History Reader ed. by Kristina R. Llewellyn, Alexander Freund, and Nolan Reilly (review) Heather Read From: The Canadian Historical Review Volume 97, Issue 1, March 2016 pp. 145-147 The opening paragraphs of the review read: [I have broken the longer text into shorter […]
You can access the newsletter here. The ongoing work of the work of the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre will be of strong interest to many people. I am impressed with all aspects of this project.
In a previous post, entitled Provisional list of MCHS ’60s (and other decades) students/alumni/teachers who have passed away, we have spoken of Tom von Eicken and Linda Chow: 59. Tom von Eicken (11B, 1962; married to Linda Chow) passed away in Anshan, China on May 6, 2003, after a year and a half of teaching and […]
A full description of the event can be accessed at this Myseum of Toronto link: DEBWEWIN (Truth) A Visual Representation of Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Cultures – March 15 – March 17 The link reads: EBWEWIN (Truth) A Visual Representation of Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Cultures March 15 – March 17 Eastern […]
A March 15, 2016 Brookings Institution article is entitled: “Voter anger explained – in one chart.” The conclusion of the article (some of the links are ones that I have added; the “China shock” link is included in the original article) reads: “As to the labor-market, wage, and social impacts of these developments, they have […]
I am pleased to share the following travel report from David Godley. Please note that previous travel reports from David can be accessed through the link at the previous sentence. The Real Costa Rica WestJet Airline suggests that Canadians should discover the natural beauty of Costa Rica including the tropical rain forests, crystal blue oceans […]
The following text is from David Godley of Long Branch: Long Branch is now Ground Zero for severances in Canada Almost one application a week represents what seems to be the most concentrated neighbourhood for severance applications. With 83% odds of developers (and some homeowners) getting approval at the OMB as well as additional approvals […]