Entries by Jaan Pill

What is mindfulness?

The purpose of this post is to highlight a range of definitions for the term “mindfulness.” I’ve written this post primarily to organize my own thinking with regard to how the term is defined, by different people, in different contexts. I believe there is value in precision in the use of language when concepts such […]

Volunteer work is good for us

I’ve been doing volunteer work for several decades. In the late 1980s while I was working as a public school teacher, I got started with volunteer work because I wanted to compare notes with people who had gone through some relatively rare experiences that I had gone through. The process just went on from there. […]

Munk School of Global Affairs – News & Events

Some time back, I learned from a local resident about presentations at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto. These are talks that are well worth knowing about, and attending. The most recent announcement of News & Events from the Munk School of Global Affairs can be accessed here.