Entries by Jaan Pill

Without positing a simple-minded connection, Not Hollywood (2013) argues that taste is linked to a particular class background

I have previously posted several items about Not Hollywood (2013). This post discusses these and other posts. Toronto Public Library resources I came across Sherry B. Ortner’s work when I was reading The Hidden Life of Girls (2006), a linguistic anthropology study of cliques of popular girls in American schools. The author of the latter […]

Online chapter by Tanni Kents in Estonian Life Stories (2009) describes her family’s postwar arrival in Cartierville

Click here to access BBC Estonia country profile > In the course of an online search for “Cartierville School Preserved Stories,” I came across the English translation of a chapter in Estonian Life Stories by my late mother Tanni Kents. I’ve read the Estonian version, but had not seen the English version for some years. […]