Entries by Jaan Pill

What could be more fun than equity scores? Long Branch (56.26); Alderwood (63.88); New Toronto (53.21); Mimico (62.36)

A March 10, 2014 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “140 Toronto neighbourhoods ranked by new ‘equity score.’” The article includes a great map and listings. I owe thanks to a tweet from Sarah Thomson for alerting me to this article. The opening paragraph reads [please note that I’ve changed the placement of a comma; […]

House of Commons Petitions

Donna Magee writes: Thought this might interest some of you. According to Dominic LeBlanc whose session on the workings of the House of Commons. Opposition parties can speak to ecah petition (minimium of 25 signatures and addresses) for 45 secs. So better to send 100 individual petitions with 25 names on each than one petition […]

Russ Ford is running for council in Ward 6

I’m pleased to share with you the following message from Russ Ford: As you may know I am running for city council in the upcoming election. Too many people have been marginalized by our current system. People do not vote because the political system does not work for them, it does not respond to their […]

Jane’s Walk and the City WalkShops – informal, interactive workshops on walking

I’m pleased to share with you information about some great free events related to Jane’s Walk that you can access at andthecity.eventbrite.ca Connect, share, and learn The purpose of these informal, interactive workshops is to develop Jane’s Walks on eight themes that matter in Toronto. I learned about these events just recently, when I attended […]