Entries by Jaan Pill

City of Toronto wins National Heritage Award (News Release)

David Juliusson has forwarded the following message: News Release November 20, 2013 City of Toronto wins National Heritage Award The City of Toronto has received the Award of Excellence for outstanding achievement in heritage planning and policy for the City Planning Division’s Official Plan Amendment 199: “Official Plan Heritage Policies.” The award was given by […]

We’ve received valuable comments from David Webster regarding Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey) history

We’ve received valuable comments from David Webster about the Colonel Samuel Smith property and related topics: http://preservedstories.com/2011/12/07/notes-regarding-colonel-samuel-smith-talk/#comment-8396 http://preservedstories.com/2013/10/18/long-branch-was-a-great-place-to-be-an-adolescent-alistair-thomson-reports/#comment-8398 http://preservedstories.com/2013/10/04/colleen-omara-found-the-small-arms-open-house-was-very-crowded/#comments http://preservedstories.com/2013/05/05/second-long-branch-janes-walk-on-may-5-explored-the-mississauga-toronto-border-south-of-lake-shore-blvd-west/#comments http://preservedstories.com/2013/10/14/1905-survey-map-shows-buildings-at-colonel-samuel-smith-homestead-site/#comments A more recent comment (Nov. 28, 2013) concerns the aftermath of Hurricane Hazel. I’ll post the comment in the next while.  

The Condo Game documentary is now available online

The Condo Game, topic of a previous post, is now available online. To access the documentary, click here. This is a well-researched production. I recommend it highly. The voice-over notes: “It’s become a case of buyer beware.” Other quotes from The Condo Game: “It’s a high-speed collision of corporate and consumer interests.” “Could Toronto and […]

Nov. 22, 2013 News Update – Councillor Mark Grimes

Below is a text of a recent news update from Councillor Grimes office (along with a link to the version accessible from your browser): To view the text, with accompanying links, in your browser, click here. eNews for November 15, 2013 ‘Tis the Season Children’s Art Show and Community Open House: presented by the Assembly Hall, […]

Meet TEA’s Waste Campaigner, Emily Alfred

You can access this item here. Excerpts from the above-noted item include the following texts: Whether we like it or not, the holidays are a time when we buy and receive a lot of stuff. Instead of giving items that quickly end up in Toronto’s landfill give your friends and loved ones the gift of […]